Got a test coming up and I need some help understanding arrays....Below is the code I wrote to match the question which follows underneath that...

class Student{
	String id;//this student's ID
	int midScore;//this student's midterm score
	int finalScore;//this student's final score
	public Student(String id){ = id;
	public void setMidScore(int midScore){
		this.midScore = midScore;
	public void setFinalScore(int finalScore){
		this.finalScore = finalScore;
	public String getID(){
		return id;
	public int getMidScore(){
		return midScore;
	public int getFinalScore(){
		return finalScore;
	public String getInfo(){
		return "ID: " + id + ", midterm: "+midScore + ", final: "+finalScore;

**HERE IS THE QUESTION....can anyone give me any pointers on how to go about this??

class StudentArray{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		1) Create an array of Student objects for the following students:
		student 1 - ID: 9901, midterm score: 80, final score: 65
		student 2 - ID: 9940, midterm score : 55, final score: 89
		student 3 - ID: 9938, midterm score : 72, final score: 66
		2) Display information of each students (I attempted this below)
		3) Change second student's final score to 90. 
		4) Compute average of midterm scores
	Student [] array= new Student [3];
	array[0]= new Student("9901");
	array[1]= new Student("9940");
	array[2]=new Student ("9938");
		Student[] st = new Student[100];
		//All 100 Student objects are created in the following
		for (int i=0; i<st.length; i++){
			int studentID = 1000+i;
			st[i] = new Student(studentID+"");
		/*Compute the following	
		1) midterm average, 
		2) final average, 
		3) the student's ID that has the highest score in midterm + final 
		4) the number of students who passed (average score in midterm and final is at least 60.0

for the part 1 the code should look like;

        1) Create an array of Student objects for the following students:
        student 1 - ID: 9901, midterm score: 80, final score: 65
        student 2 - ID: 9940, midterm score : 55, final score: 89
        student 3 - ID: 9938, midterm score : 72, final score: 66

        2) Display information of each students (I attempted this below)
        3) Change second student's final score to 90.
        4) Compute average of midterm scores
//1) Create an array of Student objects for the following students:

        Student[] array = new Student[3];
        array[0] = new Student("9901");
        // the same thing with the other students
        array[1] = new Student("9940");

        array[2] = new Student("9938");
//2) Display information of each students (I attempted this below)

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {

//3) Change second student's final score to 90.

Hope it helps

the code of the average follows:

//4) Compute average of midterm scores
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            sum = sum+array[i].getMidScore();
        double average = sum / (array.length);
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