
I had start a thread for how to attach a database on our program. I was really thankful to daniweb.

I have create project on windows application (C#) back end is SQL server2005

I have dettach my database from SQL servr2005
and attach database in Visual Studio 2008

But when I make a crystal report in my project it doesn’t show any data in run time and other time also. Is there is any path I have to give to show the data in crystal report.

I used the connection:-

1. select crystal report

2. on crystal report gallery – select- standard – ok after click the ok button it shows the Standard report creation wizard in that I select the project data-ADO.net dataset - In that it show all the tables I have in my database I have select one of them properly designed a crystal report.

3. select new form – select a crystal report viewer – post report specify the path of database .

but when I run the project I doesn’t show any data on crystal report viewer. in crystal report why it happened what should I do.

the page is just a blanck only show the text i have taken for name or date & time.

if you use the wizard in making report ,why are you specifying the database path? Try to just give the report source in report viewer.

can u explain me how to give the report source in report viewer. what procedure i have to follow.

>but when I run the project I doesn’t show any data on crystal report viewer. in crystal report why it happened what should I do.

I think you are creating push model crystal report model because the data is pushed to the report, as opposed to the data being retrieved by the report.

It is very easy to set the report source. Select the CrystalReportViewer ,for that control there is a property called 'ReportSource'. Then provide the crystalReport name in there.
Try this should work.

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