import java.util.*;

public class PhoneDirec{
	private int MAX=10;
	private String [] validNames={"Gary","Sam","John","Jude","Alyssa","Matt","Eric","Susie","Alics","Sara"};
	//allocate memory to names
	 validNames=new String[MAX];
	}// accept 10 names
	//I suppose to enter 10 names
 	public void accept(){
      Scanner console = new Scanner(;
     for(int n = 0;n< names.length;n++)
       names[n] = console.nextLine();   
		/*I also to suppose to search a names and if 
		names I search is valid it should display the names
		public void search(){
		String strNames;
	 String namesEntered;
		boolean validNames=false;
       System.out.println("Enter names");
		 namesEntered=console.nextLine(strNames);//this part have an error
	for(int x=0;x<validNames.length;++x)
		if(namesEntered == validNames)//this part have an error

	 System.out.println("The names entered"+namesEntered);
	 System.out.println("The names you entered is invalid");
		 	public void display search(){
	/* i dont know what to do next
	can someone help to this part*/

can some one help me this i I well really be happy if someone can help me this i was really stuck in here

You need to loop through the array of valid names testing each one against the entered name. If you find a match you can stop searching. If you reach the end of the loop and you haven't found a match then the name is invalid.
Compare Strings by using the String equals method.

yeah but how i dont how to loop ..can you help me edit code

yeah but how i dont how to loop ..can you help me edit code

You do know how to loop you did it in your program already. Something like the following should work for you but I've left the else statement free for you; its more the if statement you want:

String [] validNames = {"Gary","Sam","John","Jude","Alyssa","Matt","Eric","Susie","Alics","Sara"};
		 Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		 System.out.println("What name are you searching for?");
		 String name =;
		 for( int i = 0; i < validNames.length; i++)
			 if( validNames[i].equals(name) )
				 System.out.println(name+" exists at position "+i);

Does this help you at all?

Yes you do, you have at least 2 in your code already.
Around line 29 you try to compare namesEntered with the whole validNames array, but you should just compare with the i'th element of that array.
And note my previous about comparing Strings.

Please observe the rules for DaniWeb. Do not give the O/P a coded solution to his problem - that will teach him nothing, except how to cheat at homework.
If you want to help, give him some guidance so he can learn to use the reference material, and will remember what he has learned.

Please observe the rules for DaniWeb. Do not give the O/P a coded solution to his problem - that will teach him nothing, except how to cheat at homework.
If you want to help, give him some guidance so he can learn to use the reference material, and will remember what he has learned.

My apologies :P

OK man. No worries.

Its really helps the code that you recorrect my code and one i want to ask you again. i want to search three times.not just would i change it...

Its really helps the code that you recorrect my code and one i want to ask you again. i want to search three times.not just would i change it...

So you want to do the same thing 3 times? Can I ask why - when once would yield the answer?
If you want to do it three times then you could be it inside another for loop - called a nested for loop.
Its easy to make - just use the same for loop structure but the second value like - "is i less then 3?"

for( int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)
// Rest of code

Be careful of how nested for loops work. This website will help you understand them:

Happy Coding

@ katana please help me with my program theres really something wrong with i really don't it could you help me..

/* This program would use console/GUI,*/
/* It should 
1 adding of object
2 display of object
3 updating of object
 4 deleting of object

import java.util.*;

public class EmployeeList{

	private int [] Age;
	private String [] EmpfirstName;
	private String [] Emplast;
	private String [] Adrss;
	static Scanner console= new Scanner(;
  public EmloyeeList(){
	// what should i put this part
	/* I want to enter the first name of the employee please check if the method is 
	public void EmpfirstName(String EmpfirstName){
	for(int i=0;i<EmpfirstName.length;i++)
	 System.out.println("Enter Employee first name");
	/*I want to enter the last name of the employee here same please if the is right*/
	 public void EmplastName(String  EmplastName){
	 	for(int i=0; i< EmplastName.length;i++) 
		System.out.println("Enter Last Name");
		 System.out.println( EmplastName[i]);
		 	/*I want to enter the Address of the employee here same please if the is right*/

		 	public void Adrss(String  Adrss){
			for(int i=0;i< Adrss	.length;i++)
			System.out.println("Enter your Address");
			 System.out.println( Adrss	[i]);
			 }	/*I want to enter the last name of the employee here same please if the is right*/

		public void Age(int age){
		 System.out.println("Enter your Age");
		/* Please check if it is right because i was really confused
		thanks ...*/

churva churva, can you please tell me where/how you are learning java? Are you self studying or being tutored? Or are you in an institute?

I'm in school but..I dont really get it right away when my teacher discussing,because my teacher just give simple program example..then he well let us solve difficult programs for us to solve thats why it is difficult for me to solve right on my own....i hope you can help me..

Teachers are not there to be your enemy. I'm sure if you asked your teacher to sit down with you and try to explain what you do not understand he will be quite happy to do so. Even if he already explained what you need to do and you still do not understand, do not feel intimidated to just ask for extra help! He cannot say no, and you cannot get into trouble just for not understanding something!

But im shy to do that yeah maybe next time i well try to ask

Member Avatar for coil

You're confusing the main class with user-defined classes.

You currently have one main class. Main classes typically do not need constructors (the public [classname]() thing), and they typically have a public static void main(String[]args) method - the main method.

Make those changes, make sure you have all the right braces in the right places, and it should work.

Member Avatar for coil

You're confusing the main class with user-defined classes.

You currently have one main class. Main classes typically do not need constructors (the public [classname]() thing), and they typically have a public static void main(String[]args) method - the main method.

Make those changes, make sure you have all the right braces in the right places, and it should work.

I took a look at your program and its filled with errors.

First - your arrays don't have size. When you say this:

for( int i = 0 ;i< EmpfirstName.length; i++ )

But when you declare that array you don't specify how large it should be, nor do you specify the other arrays length. Because you are just starting off with java i think that, to keep things simple, you should make the array 10 elements long, like this:

private String [] EmpfirstName = new String[10];

Or however long you want. By doing this, your code:

i < EmpfirstName.length;

will actually work in the methods that follow, once you add in the brackets to indicate that your calling a method.

i < EmpfirstName.length();

I would also change "Scanner console" to something like "input" or "in"
Your code is also filled with spelling mistakes.

Sorry that length() thing is wrong :P

Ok - assuming I have understood what you want to do, I recommend revamping your code and getting rid of the constructor, for the meantime, until you understand it completely - (im not trying to be condescending if I seem like i am :D )

I think you should use the following pattern to get the people's forename's, surname's, age etc:

public static void EmpfirstName()
			System.out.println("Please enter the employee's forename's names: ");
			for( int i = 0; i < EmpfirstName.length; i++ )
				EmpfirstName[i] =;

Also the variables and arrays should be declared as static too:

private static String [] EmpfirstName = new String[5];

Next, use this method to print the contents of the array, to verify that the names and what-not have been written to the array successfully.

public static void printArray(String [] myArray)
		  for( int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
			  System.out.println("At position "+i+": "+myArray[i]);

You will notice that the method doesn't have any parameters - it doesn't need them. I hope this helps abit :P

Ok - assuming I have understood what you want to do, I recommend revamping your code and getting rid of the constructor, for the meantime, until you understand it completely - (im not trying to be condescending if I seem like i am :D )

I think you should use the following pattern to get the people's forename's, surname's, age etc:

public static void EmpfirstName()
			System.out.println("Please enter the employee's forename's names: ");
			for( int i = 0; i < EmpfirstName.length; i++ )
				EmpfirstName[i] =;

Also the variables and arrays should be declared as static too:

private static String [] EmpfirstName = new String[5];

Next, use this method to print the contents of the array, to verify that the names and what-not have been written to the array successfully.

public static void printArray(String [] myArray)
		  for( int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
			  System.out.println("At position "+i+": "+myArray[i]);

You will notice that the method doesn't have any parameters - it doesn't need them. I hope this helps abit :P

You are showing the OP some poor coding styles:
You have an array and a method with the same name
Both start with uppercase letters
The name doesn't document what the method does: fillEmployeeNameTable

You are showing the OP some poor coding styles:
You have an array and a method with the same name
Both start with uppercase letters
The name doesn't document what the method does: fillEmployeeNameTable

Actually I was just using the same methods the original poster was using - I didn't think of changing them to be honest.

Like I said earlier, If you don't understand basics, such as creating classes, you need to ask the teacher to explain it. Just randomly creating arrays for every variable you want to store is ridiculous. Your code is riddled with 1st day programming errors and you need to get somebody to sit down with you and explain it. Otherwise you will not get very far with this subject.

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