Hey there, I can't seem to figure out why i can't access the member '*next' from the Node class to the Shuffle function. Any help would be great.

/*  llist.h
 *  LList

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef string ElementType;

class LList;
class Node {
	ElementType data;
	Node *next;

	Node() {next=NULL;};
	Node(ElementType d) {data=d; next=NULL;}
	Node* GetNext() {return next;};
	ElementType GetData() {return data;};
	friend class LList;
	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &, Node &);
	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, LList &li);


class LList {
	Node *first;
	int mySize;
	LList() {first = NULL; mySize = 0;}
	void Insert(ElementType, Node *);
	Node* InsertAndReturn(ElementType, Node *);
	void InsertFirst(ElementType);
	void Delete(Node *);
	void DeleteFirst();
	void DeleteAll();
	int FindFirst(ElementType);
	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, LList &li);
	LList& operator= (const LList &li);
	friend LList* Shuffle(LList & , LList &);
	friend class Node;
/*  llist.cpp
 *  Implementation of member functions for the classes Node and LList.

#include "llist.h"
using namespace std;

ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, Node &n)
	out << n.data;
	return out;

//	Destructor for the List class. Must remember to delete the linked list.

LList::~LList() {
	while (first != NULL) {

//	Preconditions: The list has been created
//	Postconditions: A node will be added after the one pointed by p.

void LList::Insert(ElementType e, Node* p) {
	Node *n = new Node(e);
	if (p == first) {
		n->next = first;
		first = n;
	else {
		n->next = p->next;
		p->next = n;

void LList::InsertFirst(ElementType e) {

Node* LList::InsertAndReturn(ElementType e, Node* p) {
	Node *n = new Node(e);

	if (p == first) {
		n->next = first;
		first = n;
	else {
		n->next = p->next;
		p->next = n;
	return n;

void LList::Delete(Node *p) {
	Node *n;
	if (p == first) {
		n = first;
		first = first->next;
	else {
		n = p->next;
		p->next = n->next;

void LList::DeleteFirst() { Delete(first);}

int LList::FindFirst(ElementType e) {
	Node *p = first;
	int i = 0;
	while(p!=NULL) {
		if (p->data == e) return i;
		else { 
			p = p->next;
	return -1;

void LList::DeleteAll() {
		Node *n;
		int i = 0;
		while (first != NULL) {
			n = first;
			first = first->next;
			cout << "deleting: " << i++ << endl;

ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, LList &li) {
	//	Traverse the list, printing each element
	Node *p = li.first;
	while(p!=NULL) {
		out << *p;
		p = p->next; 
		if (p!=NULL) out << ", ";
	return out;

LList& LList::operator= (const LList &li) {
	Node* p;
	Node *r;
	p = li.first;
	r = this->first;
	while(p!=NULL) {
		//cout << "Copying: " << p->data << "  " ;
		r = this->InsertAndReturn(p->data,r);
		p = p->next; 
	return *this;

LList* Shuffle(LList &L1, LList &L2){
	LList L3;
	LList *L3 = new LList;

	Node *p1 = L1.first;
	Node *p2 = L2.first;
	Node *p3 = L3.first;

	L3.first = p1;
	p3 = L3.first;
	p3.next = p2;

	p1 = p1->GetNext();
	p2 = p2->GetNext();

	L3.first = p1;
	p3 = L3.first;
	p3->next = p2;
	p3 = p2;
	p1 = p1->GetNext();
	p2 = p2->GetNext();
	for(int i = 0; i < L1.mySize-1 ; i++){
		p3->next = p1;
		p3 = p1;
		p3->next = p2;
		p3 = p2;
		p1 = p1->GetNext();
		p2 = p2->GetNext();

	return L3;
#include <iostream>
#include "llist.h"

int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {

	LList *myTestList = new LList;
	cout << "will test insertion..." << endl;

	cout << myTestList << endl;
	cout << "will test delete..." << endl;
	cout << "List after deleting the first element..." << endl;
	cout << myTestList << endl;

	cout << "Finding berro" << endl;
	cout << myTestList->FindFirst("berro") << endl;

	cout << "Finding dado" << endl;
	cout << myTestList->FindFirst("dado") << endl;
	LList myTestList2;
	myTestList2 = *myTestList;
	cout << "This is the content of TestList2\n" << myTestList2 << endl;
	cout << "This is the content of TestList2 after delete of TestList1:\n" << myTestList2 << endl;

	cout << "\nAdd an external friend function called 'Shuffle' that " << endl;
	cout << "takes as input two existing lists" << endl;
	cout << "(the ones using linked lists)and creates (and returns) " << endl;
	cout << "a shuffled list of the elements in the two lists." << endl; 
	LList *newlist1 = new LList;
	LList *newlist2 = new LList;
	LList *newlist3 = new LList;



	LList list1;
	LList list2;
	LList list3;

	list1 = *newlist1;
	cout << "\nThis is the content of List 1:\n" << list1 << endl;

	list2 = *newlist2;
	cout << "\nThis is the content of List 2:\n" << list2 << endl;

	//list3 = *newlist3;
	cout << "\nThis is the content of List 3:\n" << endl;
	newlist3 = Shuffle(list1, list2);
	//cout << list3 << endl;


	int dummy;
	cout << "\nCreating a big list so that we can see impact in memory..\n";
	cin >> dummy;
	for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
	cin >> dummy;
	cin >> dummy;
	LList *myTestList3 = new LList;
	cout << "Creating a big list so that we can see impact in memory..\n";
	cin >> dummy;
	for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
	cin >> dummy;
	cin >> dummy;
	return 0;

Why you are trying to cerate a manual Linked list. You can also use stl::list

#include <list>

You need to make the lList class inherit from the Node class if you want to access the protected members in Node from lList.

class lList : public Node
   // Insert code for class
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