I need help figuring out if two numbers are co-prime.
So far I have this (prime() is a bool function)
void GetE(int& e, int& result)
int random = rand();
if(random < result)
e = random;
random = rand();
random = rand();
}while(prime(random) && random < result);
As you can see:
- I have an int result (already found through previous functions)
- I need to generate a random number.
- If that number is prime, and if less than result, I got my number.
- Else, get a new random number.
My goal is to get a random PRIME number that is LESS than result.
I could also use a coprime to result, but am unsure how to code that using the Euclidean Algorithm. I've tried but can't get it to work.
Also, cplusplus.com is down now so I can't use that as a reference, which I need to :(
Thanks in advance for any help.