Okay, so I finished the first of a few files on the converting, and I am getting some errors, and yes I have googled them and tried to fix to no avail, I am a noob on programming and am being told to work on a high level project, which even though I am getting help from the community I am definitely learning in the process
So here is the header file that I am having 1 bug with:
1>c:\users\public\documents\aoc source\c++\aoe2wide\aoe2wide\AoE2Wide.h(35): error C2059: syntax error : '<'
1>c:\users\public\documents\aoc source\c++\aoe2wide\aoe2wide\AoE2Wide.h(35): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Text;
namespace AoE2Wide
private ref class Item
int Pos;
int ReferenceValue;
String ^Type;
int Parameter;
String ^Comments;
String ^Asm;
int OriginalPos;
private ref class Patch
String ^PatchFilepath;
int FileSize;
String ^Md5;
String ^Version;
int InterfaceDrsPosition;
int InterfaceX1DrsPosition;
IEnumerable<Item^> ^Items;
private ref class FatalError : Exception
FatalError(String ^msg) : Exception(msg)
Then after that I am definitely having some more issues, most of them are repeats, but I need 1 solution to fix xD If i understand properly some of these arrays are not being created right...do I need to use a different notation instead? Only provided one example of each 100% unique error Once again I appreciate the help and the explanations :)
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(16): error C2664: 'System::IO::MemoryStream::MemoryStream(cli::array<Type> ^,bool)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::vector<_Ty>' to 'cli::array<Type> ^'
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(84): error C2653: 'Trace' : is not a class or namespace name
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(84): error C3861: 'Assert': identifier not found
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(95): error C2819: type 'std::vector<_Ty>' does not have an overloaded member 'operator ->'
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(191): error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'cli::array<Type> ^' to 'auto'
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(194): error C2227: left of '->Length' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'int'
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(209): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'cli::array<Type> ^' to 'cli::array<Type> ^'
1>SlpStreamer.cpp(215): error C2664: 'std::vector<_Ty>::vector(const std::vector<_Ty> &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'cli::array<Type> ^' to 'const std::vector<_Ty> &'
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AoE2Wide.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::IO;
namespace AoE2Wide
private ref class SlpStrecher
static std::vector<char> Enlarge(UInt32 id, std::vector<char> data, int oldWidth, int oldHeight, int newWidth, int newHeight)
BinaryReader ^reader = gcnew BinaryReader(gcnew MemoryStream(data, false));
// testing patch version
auto version = reader->ReadUInt32();
if (version != 0x4e302e32)
return data;
auto framecount = reader->ReadUInt32();
if (framecount != 1)
return data;
auto comment = reader->ReadBytes(24);
/*auto linesOffset = */reader->ReadUInt32();
auto maskOffset = reader->ReadUInt32();
auto paletteOffset = reader->ReadUInt32();
auto properties = reader->ReadUInt32();
auto width = reader->ReadInt32();
if (width != oldWidth)
return data;
auto height = reader->ReadInt32();
auto centerX = reader->ReadInt32();
auto centerY = reader->ReadInt32();
// if height - centerY doesnt equal oldHeight return data due to error
if (height - centerY != oldHeight)
return data;
if (centerY != 0)
int higher = newHeight - oldHeight;
centerY -= higher;
newHeight = oldHeight = height;
auto newMaskSize = (UInt32) (newHeight*4);
auto newLinesOffset = maskOffset + newMaskSize;
auto newLinesSize = (UInt32) (newHeight*4);
auto newLineDataStart = newLinesOffset + newLinesSize;
MemoryStream ^outStream = gcnew MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter ^writer = gcnew BinaryWriter(outStream);
// Added by Master_G for testing purposes
// UserFeedback.Info(string.Format("Resizing image #{0} for {1}x{2} to {3}x{4}",
// id, oldWidth, oldHeight, newWidth, newHeight));
// writing the information provided above
//UserFeedback.Info(string.Format("Version: {0}, FrameCount: {1}, Comment: {2}, newLinesOffset: {3}",
// version, framecount, comment, newLinesOffset));
//UserFeedback.Info(string.Format("MaskOffSet: {0}, PaletteOffset: {1}, Properties: {2}",
// maskOffset, paletteOffset, properties));
//UserFeedback.Info(string.Format("NewWidth: {0}, NewHeight: {1}, CenterX {2}, CenterY {3}",
// newWidth, newHeight, centerX, centerY));
auto osp = outStream->Position;
Trace::Assert(osp == maskOffset);
// read every line of pixels from file into orgLineMasks array
array<UInt32> ^orgLineMasks = gcnew array<UInt32>(oldHeight);
for (auto inLine = 0; inLine < oldHeight; inLine++)
orgLineMasks[inLine] = reader->ReadUInt32();
// read every original line start of old height into array
array<UInt32> ^orgLineStarts = gcnew array<UInt32>(oldHeight + 1);
for (auto inLine = 0; inLine < oldHeight; inLine++)
orgLineStarts[inLine] = reader->ReadUInt32();
orgLineStarts[oldHeight] = safe_cast<UInt32>(data->Length);
// Subtract the next piece in orgLineStarts from the previous piece
// and then store into a new autoiable called orgLines
List<array<Byte>^> ^orgLines = gcnew List<array<Byte>^>(oldHeight);
for (auto inLine = 0; inLine < oldHeight; inLine++)
auto orgLineSize = orgLineStarts[inLine + 1] - orgLineStarts[inLine];
// initialize new lists
array<UInt32> ^newLineMasks = gcnew array<UInt32>(newHeight);
List<array<Byte>^> ^newLines = gcnew List<array<Byte>^>(newHeight);
// difference in the lines from oldHeight compared to newHeight
// e.g. 1200 - 1024 = 176
auto extraLines = newHeight - oldHeight;
// determine whether shrinking resolution or expanding it
auto shrinking = extraLines < 0;
auto expanding = extraLines > 0;
// define middle of oldHeight
// e.g. 1024/2 = 512
auto centreLine = oldHeight / 2;
// e.g. 512 + 176 = 688
auto shrinkSkipStart = centreLine + extraLines;
auto shrinkSkipEnd = centreLine;
// duplication is the amount of times every duplicated line, is duplicated
// e.g. duplication = 1 + (176 + 1)/(1024/2)
// e.g. duplication = 1.34570
auto duplication = 1 + (extraLines + 1)/(oldHeight/2);
// the duplication block size is the block that is being duplicated
// the last line of which MIGHT not be duplicated 'duplication' times
// eg if duplication is 2, extralines = 501, dbs = 251, the last of which is
// duped just once.
auto duplicationBlockSize = (extraLines + duplication - 1)/duplication;
auto dupStart = centreLine - duplicationBlockSize / 2;
auto dupEnd = dupStart + duplicationBlockSize;
int dupedLines = 0; //'UNIT'TEST
for (auto inLine = 0; inLine < oldHeight; inLine++)
// If shrinking skip 'extralines' lines on the centerline and above
if (shrinking && inLine >= shrinkSkipStart && inLine < shrinkSkipEnd)
// newLineMasks has same ammount of positions as newHeight
// e.g. 1200 => 1200
newLineMasks[newLines->Count] = orgLineMasks[inLine];
auto newLine = StretchLine(orgLines[inLine], oldWidth, newWidth);
// If expanding, duplicate the right amount of lines before centreLine
if (!expanding || inLine < dupStart || inLine >= dupEnd)
for (auto rep = 0; rep < duplication && dupedLines < extraLines; rep++)
newLineMasks[newLines->Count] = orgLineMasks[inLine];
Trace::Assert(newLines->Count == newHeight);
Trace::Assert(dupedLines == extraLines);
auto nextLineStart = newLineDataStart;
for each (auto newLineMask in newLineMasks)
osp = outStream::Position;
Trace::Assert(newLinesOffset == osp);
for each (auto newLine in newLines)
nextLineStart += safe_cast<UInt32>(newLine->Length);
osp = outStream::Position;
Trace::Assert(newLineDataStart == osp);
for each (auto newLine in newLines)
Trace::Assert(outStream->Position == nextLineStart);
array<Object^> ^newSlp = outStream->ToArray();
// For debugging:
//File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format(@"slp\{0}org.slp", id), data);
//File.WriteAllBytes(string.Format(@"slp\{0}new.slp", id), newSlp);
return newSlp;
static array<Byte> ^BlitColor(int amount, Byte color)
if (amount <=0)
return nullptr;
// using (auto outStream = new MemoryStream())
MemoryStream ^outStream = gcnew MemoryStream();
while (amount > 15)
auto count = Math::Min(amount, 255);
amount -= count;
while (amount > 0)
auto count = Math::Min(amount, 15);
outStream->WriteByte(safe_cast<Byte>(7 | (count << 4)));
amount -= count;
return outStream->ToArray();
delete outStream;
static array<Byte> ^StretchLine(array<Byte> ^orgLine, int oldWidth, int newWidth)
if (orgLine->Length == 1)
return orgLine;
// Take the last byte before the 0x0F eol as color (I suppose that's always a color :S )
auto color = orgLine[orgLine->Length - 2];
// e.g. 1900-1280 = 620, color is from
array<Byte> ^addendum = BlitColor(newWidth - oldWidth, color);
if (addendum == nullptr || addendum->Length == 0)
return orgLine;
// using (auto outStream = new MemoryStream(orgLine.Length + addendum.Length))
MemoryStream ^outStream = gcnew MemoryStream(orgLine->Length + addendum->Length);
outStream->Write(orgLine,0, orgLine->Length - 1);
outStream->Write(addendum, 0, addendum->Length);
outStream->WriteByte(orgLine[orgLine->Length - 1]);
return outStream->ToArray();
delete outStream;