I've got myself in a real state with a simple assignment. I'm very very new to this and just when I thought I had got there of course I hadn't. I've been told that I need to allow the user to restart through every step in this ordering process. I found a way of using bool to allow the user to do this, but I'm thinking I must have messed up my loop because suddenly 'restart' isn't picked up any more. I know it will be something simple that I'm missing but can anyone help at all please?
Here's the code, apologies that I haven't neatened it up yet. I'm really really new to this and finding it very tough going so bear with me please and thanks in advance -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Pizza
class quality
static void Main(string[] args)
bool On;
On = true;
while (On == true)
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Charlie's Pizza Pie Factory. Press enter to begin");
string readThisLine;
readThisLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (readThisLine == "quit")
Console.WriteLine("This Program is ready to be closed Press enter to Exit the program");
On = false;
else if (readThisLine == "restart")
int catPizza = 0;
string[] cat_menu = { "Regular 1.50", "Best Brand 3.00", "Supreme 5.00" };
double[] qualprice = { 1.50, 3.00, 5.00 };
int diameter;
const double PI = 3.141592654;
double baseprice;
double pizzaprice;
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Let's make some pizza. Here are your quality choices:");
catPizza = SelectFromMenu(cat_menu);
// Now read in the Pizza diameter - done by method checksize.
diameter = checksize(1200);
Console.WriteLine("Your pizza is {0}. Press enter for your pizza price (or 'restart' to change your order)", diameter + "mm");
// Now calculate the price of the pizza.
// baseprice = qualprice [catPizza-1];
// First convert the diameter in mm to a radius in metre. ie x 0.5 and divide by 1000.
// Then work out the area: Math.Pi*r*r where r=radius in metres.
// Then add 30 (price per sq metre) x area + price for the quality
baseprice = (diameter / 0.5) / 1000;//size is diameter in mm so divide by 2
// divide by 100 to get metreage
pizzaprice = ((PI * (baseprice * baseprice)) * 30) + qualprice[catPizza - 1];
Console.WriteLine("Your pizza costs {0:C}. The time of this order is " + (date), pizzaprice);
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to save a copy of this order");
string OutFn = @"C:\TEMP\pizzaProgram.txt"; // File name (string literal)
// Create StreamWriter for the output file - opens file.
StreamWriter OutF = new StreamWriter(OutFn, true);
// NB Parameter 2: True means append. False=Overwrite.
OutF.WriteLine("Pizza Order Total {0:C}," + (date), pizzaprice, OutFn);
OutF.Close(); // Close file, flush buffers, release memory.
Console.WriteLine("Output file written and closed.");
Console.ReadLine(); // Pause to see output
string OutDir = @"C:\TEMP\";
// Create the output directory if it doesn't exist.
if (!Directory.Exists(OutDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(OutDir);
// int size = Console.ReadLine();
// if (checksize)
// return;
// Console.WriteLine("Thank you. You have ordered a {0}mm pizza", size);
// Method WriteMenu: Writes menu and reads selection
// Validates it, returns the selection
static int SelectFromMenu(string[] menu)
int cat = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < menu.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i + 1, menu[i]);
Console.Write("Please enter the item number: (or 'restart' to cancel and restart): ");
cat = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
cat = -1;
if ((cat > menu.Length) || (cat < 1)) Console.WriteLine("Try again");
} while ((cat < 0) || (cat > menu.Length));
Console.WriteLine("Thank you, you have selected {0} {1}.", cat, menu[cat - 1]);
return cat;
static int checksize(int max) // Method to read, validate and return an integer within range.120 to 1000
{ // It handles exceptions and also checks for a positive integer.
int size;
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your pizza size - anything between 120 and 1000mm (or 'restart' to change your order:)");
size = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
size = 0;
if (size < 120 || size > max) Console.WriteLine("Okay, let's try again");
while (size < 120 || size > max);
return size;
} // end of ReadInt.