SacredFootball 0 Junior Poster in Training
#define cinGetValue(value,status) \
{ \
   string        inputLine;    /* raw user input text*/                                    \
   istringstream convert;      /* string converstion variable.*/                           \
   getline(cin,inputLine);     /* get a string of data from user input (could be empty) */ \
   convert.str(inputLine);     /* load 'convert' with user input */                        \
   convert >> value;           /* load 'convert' with user input */                        \
   status = inputLine.empty(); /* boolean indicator of empty or !empty */                  \

// homemade pause
// --------------
#define pause(message) {char x[10];cout<<endl<<message;gets_s(x,10);}

// node definition
// ---------------
typedef struct _node
   int           payload; //value of node
   struct _node *left   ; //nodes < value (at start of program)
   struct _node *right  ; //nodes > value (at start of program)
} node;

// branch direction
// ----------------
typedef enum _dirBranch {ROOT,LEFT,RIGHT} dirBranch;

// default dataset
// ---------------
//int nodeData[] = {10,8,15,6,9,13,19,4,12,14,18,20,2,5,11,1,3};
int nodeData[] = {10,                           //root
                   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,   //sorted left branch
                  15,13,19,12,13,18,20,11   };  //AVT ordered
#define nodeDataCount sizeof(nodeData)/sizeof(int)

// forward declarations
// --------------------
node *treeAdd     (node *root,int payload);
void  treeDisplay (node *root,int depth  ,dirBranch dir);
void  swapSubtrees(node *root);

// This main program provides a user interface to manipulate a
// binary tree implemented as a linked list. 
// ===========================================================
int main()
   int idx; //index for data load from array

   // empty binary tree 
   // ----------------- 
   node *root = NULL;

   // load binary tree from initial data 
   // ---------------------------------- 
   root = treeAdd(root,nodeData[0]); //first call sets root
   for (idx=1;idx<nodeDataCount;idx++)

   // display binary tree 
   // ------------------- 
   cout << "Original Binary Tree" <<endl;
   cout << "--------------------" <<endl;
   pause("<Enter to swapSubtrees>");
   cout << endl;

   // swap the subtrees & display
   // ---------------------------
   cout << "Binary Tree with Swapped Subtrees" << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

   // pause
   // -----
   pause("<Enter to Terminate>");

// Add a new value to the binary tree
// ==================================
node *treeAdd(node *root   ,  //current root (maybe NULL)
              int   payload)  //payload to be stored in tree
   // create & load a new node
   // ------------------------
   node *newNode    = new node;
   newNode->payload = payload;
   newNode->left    = NULL;
   newNode->right   = NULL;

   // link it into the binary tree
   // ----------------------------
   if (root != NULL)
      node *tempNode = root; //used for tree traversal

      while (1)
         if (tempNode->payload > payload)
            // try left branch
            // ---------------
            if (tempNode->left == NULL)
               // there is no left branch: insert node
               // ------------------------------------
               tempNode->left = newNode;
               // follow left branch
               // ------------------
               tempNode = tempNode->left;
            // try right branch
            // ----------------
            if (tempNode->right == NULL)
               // there is no right branch: insert node
               // ------------------------------------
               tempNode->right = newNode;
               // follow right branch
               // -------------------
               tempNode = tempNode->right;

   // always return the node we just added
   // ------------------------------------
   return newNode;

// Display the entire tree: sideways
// ---------------------------------
void treeDisplay(node      *currNode, //current node to display
                 int        depth   , //number of spaces to indent (/3)
                 dirBranch  dir     ) //type of prefix '/' or '\' to output
   int spaces; //number of spaces to indent

   // take care of all the right branches
   // -----------------------------------
   if (currNode->right != NULL)

   // display this node 
   // -----------------
   if (dir != ROOT)
      for (spaces=depth;spaces>0;spaces--) cout << "   ";
      cout << ((dir==RIGHT) ? '/' : '\\');                //right/left indicator
   cout << setw(2) << currNode->payload << endl;

   // take care of all the left branches
   // ----------------------------------
   if (currNode->left != NULL)

// Swap all the right/left subtrees
// --------------------------------
void swapSubtrees(node *currNode)
   node *tempNode; //for swapping

   // swap left & right at this node
   tempNode = currNode->left;
   currNode->left = currNode->right;
   currNode->right == tempNode;

   // Check that link isn't NULL
   // and Recurse down each side.


I can only seem to get 1 of the trees to show up the swap and it's still not swapped properly.