so this is my final grade calculator that i turned in, and my teacher came back and said my IF/ELSE structure was Malformed, Is there something i did poorly, or wrong, what can i do to make it better. any suggestions will be taken accounted for
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// initialize variables needed for user inputs and calculations
int grade1 = 0;
int grade2 = 0;
int grade3 = 0;
int grade4 = 0;
int midterm = 0;
int attendence = 0;
int totalPoints = 0;
int gradepercentage = 0;
int total = 0;
int finalexam = 0;
int finalExam2 = 0;
float eightfiftytotal = 850;
char gradeLetters[5] = "ABCD";
//display and ask user for score inputs with error correction
printf("Please enter your scores from 0-150 \n\n");
printf("Please enter your first score and press enter: \n");
scanf("%d", &grade1);
printf("Please enter your second score and press enter: \n");
scanf("%d", &grade2);
printf("Please enter your third score and press enter: \n");
scanf("%d", &grade3);
printf("Please enter your fourth score and press enter: \n");
scanf("%d", &grade4);
printf("Please enter your Midterm score and press enter: \n");
scanf("%d", &midterm);
printf("Please enter your Attendence score out of 100: \n\n");
scanf("%d", &attendence);
// add all the inputs and display the total points then calculate the percentage
printf("your total points are: %d out of 850\n\n", totalPoints);
// display the grade letter and grade percentage with IF/ELSE
printf("GRADE-----||-----PERCENTAGE: \n\n");
if((int) total >= 90 && total <= 500) {
printf("%c---------||-----%d Percent\n\n ", gradeLetters[0], (int) total);
else if((int) total >= 80 && total <= 89) {
printf("%c---------||-----%d Percent\n\n", gradeLetters[1], (int) total);
else if((int) total >= 70 && total <= 79) {
printf("%c---------||-----%d Percent\n\n", gradeLetters[2], (int) total);
else if((int) total >= 60 && total <= 69) {
printf("%c---------||-----%d Percent\n\n", gradeLetters[3], (int) total);
else if((int) total <= 59) {
printf("You are failing with a %d percent \n\n", (int) total);
return 0;