Hi Perl Guru's

I have a requirement where i need to find out two patterns and second pattern is dependent on first pattern (i.e., if file1 have pattern1 the serach pattern2 in file1). Let me explain in detail.

Forexample: I have last three days job logs (Infact logs folder have more then 1000 differnt log files), I have pattern1 "ABC_DEF" and pattern two looks like "GHI JKL".

--> Serach Pattern1 in all three days logs
--> Pattern1 will point out all required logs
--> Then serach pattern2 in all logs which we have indentified based on Pattern1.
--> Print all Matched patterns1 and Print all Matched patterns2

Could you guys please help me out to solve this issue..?

Thanks in advance.

The simplest way to handle this is as follows:

1. opendir/readdir the logs folder, save the file paths to @log_files
2. foreach @log_files, open file, then search it for the pattern
3. if found, push file path to @found_patterns
4. then, search file for 2nd pattern, push to @found_patterns2 on success
5. assuming files are not huge, you can slurp the file first:

open my $fh, "<", "foo" or die $!;
local $/; # enable localized slurp mode
my $content = <$fh>;
close $fh;

then you can match both patterns against $content

Hi erezschatz ,

I have tried this but this is not helping me out.
Could you please elaborate in more depth..?


Hi erezschatz ,

I have tried this but this is not helping me out.
Could you please elaborate in more depth..?


I could, probably, but it would be better if you can post the code you wrote, along with some test data and what results you get/don't get and we'll continue from there

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