Is there a decent IDE for Java? Meaning, one that you don't think will end up making me rage and have annoying features that get in the way all the time making it unsuitable for development?

What is the best IDE performance wise?

I would recommend jGRASP. it is very easy to use, and it does not have the auto-complete feature of Eclipse. it does have features that make numbering the lines of code easy, as well as indentation. I have tried Eclipse, but left it for jGRASP. hope this helps.

A plain text editor?



It all depends on your use and your requirements..

No IDE will change your software.. so all IDE's provide almost
same features and perfomance of IDE is not a big deal.

All that matters is perfomance of your code..

One man's crappy software is another man's full time job. ~Jessica Gaston

agreed with \007, because there is rich support, daily bugs updating, lots of free plugind, endless 3.rd side non-Free plugins with reall support by Author(s), once per year new (really) version

Eclipse - required by majorities Codings Companies, supported excelent Teams Codding, only this IDE correctly supported lots of FrameWorks and for example Android API too

Netbeans - for laziest coders on the world, because here is everything quasi automatically, excelent coding hints, for lots of Graphics plugins

@mKorbel you forgot to mention another major IDE, Intellij IDEA by jetbrains (my tool of choice ;) )

Netbeans is the best IDE for Java. It have all tools and documents, and you don't worry how to work together.
Eclipse is very simple and faster than Netbeans but if u r newbie, it's so difficult to configure and add the documents to the IDE.
I use both but I prefer Netbeans...

I have had very bad experiences with eclipse and I'm not exactly an IDE noob, I just tend to use better software like Visual Studio or QT Creator. I almost want to smack the guy who made the intellisense for Eclipse with a stack of Visual C++ books.

There has been many a time I wanted to do something with Java and have been turned away from it by a poor IDE.

FWIW I've used Eclipse for quite a few years now and am very happy with it. If I need something that's not in the basic package then there's bound to be a plugin for it. There's a bit of a learning curve over how files in the IDE relate to the OS file system when setting up a project, but once you get that it's easy.
I know this was said before but it bears repeating: if you're serious about this have a look at job ads in your preferred area and see which IDEs are most commonly listed in the skills pre-requisites. You'll probably see Eclipse and NetBeans (in that order).

ps: In IBM sites there's a strong push to use SWT rather than Swing for Windows GUIs. SWT vs Swing is outside the scope of this thread, but if SWT is important to you then Eclipse is the natural and obvious choice.

NETBEANS7.0 is the best IDE so far

NETBEANS7.0 is the best IDE so far

O really?!
NetBeans 7 same as version 4 few years back is buggy. And if you have no conclusive answer just to shout "xyz IDE is the best" then it is better if you stay quite.

@ peter_budo

NetBeans 7 same as version 4 few years back is buggy

but there was very usefull GarbageMemory button, and really works, because if raising (around) 500Mb used memory then IDE freeze, really beautiful times

but in same time Eclipse has with onw Java Compilier another stories

"because if raising (around) 500Mb used memory then IDE freeze"

An IDE that needs such a button pressed regularly else it freezes or crashes is bugged.

Eclipse is a memory monster if you use a lot of hefty plugins, heck even without plugins...

I haven't had any serious issues with it though... save often, even better... use a source control system like Git. :)

Eclipse is a memory monster if you use a lot of hefty plugins, heck even without plugins...

I'm looking at just under 200Meg right now with a pretty large project in play (excluding the project's own run-time memory requirements, obviously). You can do serious development with Eclipse in a 1Gig machine under Win 7.
I've found CPU speed to be far more limiting of Eclipse performance than memory is.

I certainly echo the need for a decent source control system.

I'm liking this Intellij IDEA one for now. Thanks guys.

I'm liking this Intellij IDEA one for now. Thanks guys.

Good choice ;)

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