#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;

class A
	void setdata(int s) {t=s;}
	int getdata(){return t;}
	int t;

class B: public A


void main()
A a;
B b;


Why I cannot get an output of 3 here? Can anyone help?

a and b are completely separate objects. I think you may have misunderstood the point of inheritance.

since B inherited A,
so in b, we should have t and getdata(),
so I think I am supposed to return t value in the end, which is 3.
Where is the mistake? thanks

Where is the mistake?

The mistake is that you only called setdata(3) on a . b remains default initialized.

I don't find that helpful. As tennis says, b being an object of class B should have inherited the function getdata(0 and the variable t from A, and t has been set at 3 by A's setvalue() function, so it is a mystery to me, too. My textbook has an example that matches exactly, though it doesn't use #include "stdafx.h"

I think what inheritance means here is that B and therefore your b inherit an int t, and the functions setdata() and getdata() which use t, so with a.setdata(3) you give t a value of 3 for the a object, and with b.setdata(4) you can give t a value of 4 for the b object, AND THEN a.getdata() will return 3, b.getdata() will return 4. Hope this helps.

You're confusing classes with objects. Yes, B does indeed inherit t from A . But a and b are separate objects, each with their own copy of t . Thus if you set a's copy of t , b's copy of t does not also get set.

Thanks Narue!
Could you explain a little bit why this code can get an output of 3? thanks

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
class A
	A(int s){t=s;}
	int t;
class B: public A
	int ret(){return t;}

void main()
	B b;

B's default constructor calls A's constructor for that object, which sets b's copy of t to 3. Conceptually the chain looks like this:

b.B() -> b.A(3) -> b.t = 3

Note that everything is acting on the object b . This is because under the hood, member functions are passed an object handle. Your code looks more like this to the compiler:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// "Under the hood" transformation of class A
struct A {
    int t;

void __A$ctor(A *obj, int s)
    obj->t = s;

// "Under the hood" transformation of class B
struct B {
    A __A$sub;

void __B$ctor(B *obj)
    __A$ctor(&obj->__A$sub, 3);

int __B$ret(B *obj)
    return obj->__A$sub.t;

// "Under the hood" transformation of object usage in main
int main()
    B b;

    cout<< __B$ret(&b) <<endl;
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