Write a C program to read Roll number,Name and Marks of 3 subjects of a student using structure
jayesh.rocks -5 Newbie Poster
Salem commented: Show some effort first, instead of demanding an answer on a plate -4
sergent commented: . -1
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
pseudorandom21 166 Practically a Posting Shark
code_hacker 0 Newbie Poster
Arbus 25 Practically a Master Poster
Salem commented: Nice +17
syria718 0 Newbie Poster
WettHarvaredu -6 Newbie Poster
Salem commented: Spoonfeeding answer with no code tags, saved only by being completely broken code to begin with -4
pseudorandom21 commented: Terrible! -2
syria718 0 Newbie Poster
m4ster_r0shi 142 Posting Whiz in Training
sergent commented: lol +4
Narue 5,707 Bad Cop Team Colleague
pseudorandom21 166 Practically a Posting Shark
jayesh.rocks -5 Newbie Poster

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