
I need to read from a txt file ip:port (or in some lines ip:portDdateCinteger). But i can not do it because there is no nextChar method on Scanner class.

The txt file is like this:



There are million line on txt file. I need to read one by one from my Java program by reading ip, port, if exist date and check number.

This program must work multi-platform. Thats why i get the end of line string with System.getProperty("line.separator") method.

Can someone help me please?

Thank you!

you can use StringTokenizer class inorder to differentiate ip and port

Have you tried the Scanner class's useDelimiter() method?
Try this:

Scanner input = new Scanner("332.");
            while(input.hasNext()) {
              System.out.println("next="  + input.next());

StringTokenizer and useDelimiter can not solve my problem :( because i am not sure if the line ends with end_of_line character or 'D' character. StringTokenizer and useDelimiter can split the string if we know which character splits the string. I told you some line has date and check number hut some of them does not.

i am not sure if the line ends with end_of_line character or 'D' character

If you don't know the delimiters for a line, that makes it very hard to read a "line".
By 'D' do you mean the character 'D' or 0xd ?
What is the format of the data on a line? How will you know when you are at the end of a line?

With that:
read.useDelimiter(" : | " + end_of_line+ "|D|C");
i can not understand if the line ends or not :(

If you don't know the delimiters for a line, that makes it very hard to read a "line".
By 'D' do you mean the character 'D' or 0xd ?
What is the format of the data on a line? How will you know when you are at the end of a line?

I mean the character 'D' .

The format of line is very simple

ip:port OR ip:portDdateCnumber
example for each
332. OR

It will be very simple if java scanner had a nextChar() method :( .

End of line character is System.getProperty("line.separator")

End of line character is System.getProperty("line.separator")

On my system that character has a value of 0x0d0a.
What is the value on your system?

String lineSep =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
      for(int i=0; i < lineSep.length(); i++)
          System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(lineSep.charAt(i)) + " ");  // l.s=d a

What does the Scanner class do when reading a file with lines separated by 0x0d0a characters? Have you tried that?

On my system that character has a value of 0x0d0a.
What is the value on your system?

String lineSep =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
      for(int i=0; i < lineSep.length(); i++)
          System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(lineSep.charAt(i)) + " ");  // l.s=d a

What does the Scanner class do when reading a file with lines separated by 0x0d0a characters? Have you tried that?

My line sperator is "d a" at the moment(i am on windows now). (My program must work multiplatform (linux-unix-win) ).

Why you asked my end seperator ?

Why you asked my end seperator ?

Your program needs to read each line. To do that it needs to know what defines the end of a line.
When a line has been read, then you need to parse the line to get the values from the line.
Are you able to read the file, line by line?
Write a small simple test program to read the first 10 lines from the file and print them out to be sure you can read a line.

I solve the problme. I don't need to understand if i am on end of line. Because i read first all the line and i put it on a string. After that i read the Scanner.next with useDelimiter(" : |D|C"). If it gives error (which i catch it with try-catch) when i read with Scanner.next that means this line includes just ip and port. if it will not give me an error that means it has also date and check numnber. I try it it works :)

Thanks for your helping me... :)

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