Hi guys,

I am a new member on this forum. I had a Visual .NET 2003 Trial Version last year and I installed this to my office using Windows 2000 and at home I installed it to Windows XP Professional. After installation I installed the IIS as the software requirement suggested.

My problem is I can hardly go to Visual .Net. Everytime I open the Visual .Net, there is a message ...

"Please wait whilie the wizard initializes". After this message, it will prompt another option saying...

"Visual .NET Trial 2003 - English is now disabled.  This product will remain disabled until you activate it.

Would you like to activate through the Internet or by other means?

o  Activate by using the Internet
o  Activate by using the telephone

What shoud I do?
Is there something missing in my setup?

Thank you and kindly help me.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 trial versions had an absolute expiration date too. I think it want activating. But to be honest i would get trial version of VS2005 express edition. They are currently free for a short time from microsoft site, but you have to download them.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 trial versions had an absolute expiration date too. I think it want activating. But to be honest i would get trial version of VS2005 express edition. They are currently free for a short time from microsoft site, but you have to download them.


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