how to do this? : ask the user to insert the length of two sides (b and c) of a tringle and the angle between them in degree (x), compute and print the length of the third side,a, by using this formula


(Note: to use the cosine function(cos), the angle must be in radians instead of degrees. to convert an angle from degree to radians, multiply the angle by pi/180)

help me.thank you~

I would:
1) ask the user to insert the length of two sides (b and c) of a tringle
2) and the angle between them in degree (x)
3) compute and print the length of the third side,a, by using this formula


Please Note: the angle must be in radians instead of degrees so multiply the angle by pi/180

There you go. Anything else?

how to do it in c++ about the coding?

help me with the c++ coding..i don't knoe how to do it..=,=
Write a program to calculate the power consumed by a heater. This program also calculates the resistance value for the heater. The program’s design should use main that calls the three functions described below:
a) getData : Read data from the keyboard. This function is to use reference parameters (pass-by-reference concept) to read the voltage and the current.
b) calculate: To calculate the power and resistance for each heater. This function passes power and resistance by reference via a reference parameter.
c) displayPowerResistance :To display the power and resistance for each heater.

You already have an infraction warning. Are you really trying for a full infraction? Didn't you understand the message that states you should become familiar with the Member Rules? I suggest reading them NOW and start over with a clean thread.

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