
I'm new member and I'm so happy that i found daniweb.com to get some help from you my friends....

i need help in solving this problem...

•Select one program of your choice that implements Single or Double Linked List in C++. Make sure you use class in your program, implementing object oriented programming

•The structure may contain any of the following set of data members: (Note: these are just examples, you may use your own ideas)

a. Student Information in the School or College
b. Car Information in Car Showroom
c. Books Information in the library
d. Movie Titles in the Video Shop
e. Products in the Store

• Include member functions for:
a. Add a member
b. Modify the details of any member
c. Retrieve or Display any member
d. Delete any member

actually we didn't take any class about (linked list) yet
and i must to submite the answer before 20 NOV 2011

please help.....

when you have the class about linked lists you can write a code and a question and if ill know the answer ill answer it gladly .
start with making
struct node
struct node _next;
data 1
data 2

that way u can enter the struct "children" by using ->
HEAD->_next will go to the next one
good luck learning

thanx for replay.....

I know what you say because i read about linked list and i knew the basics
but i'm still waitting the code from someone .....

i dont think anyone is going to write a whole code for you... and linked lists are so common you can find a code and modify it to fit ur needs...
good luck
and you have more than a week... moreeeeeeee thannnnnnn enoughhhhhhhh
to do this basic program :O

thanx for replay.....

I know what you say because i read about linked list and i knew the basics
but i'm still waitting the code from someone .....

I'm interpreting this as you know how to do it, but you're too lazy to do it yourself. Thus you came here hoping that some rube would do your homework for you without any effort on your part. Is that a correct assessment?

oooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaay I'll try....
I have alot of exams this week but I will try ma best!!!!!!!!

hahahaha it is not like what u think....
i was trying to write the code and find examples but i'm so confusing
come ooooooooooooooon heeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeee....
i want just example to do it because i'm novice in c++
i'm just now study this subject!!!!!!!!!!

i was trying to write the code and find examples but i'm so confusing

You'll learn more by writing your own code, and we're here to help you get your own code working, not write code for you.

come ooooooooooooooon heeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeee....

You want help? ASK A FREAKING QUESTION! So far you've posted a homework assignment verbatim, stated that you understand the basics of linked lists, stated that you want someone to give you code, and shown absolutely no proof that you deserve to be helped.

i want just example to do it because i'm novice in c++

Your textbook doesn't give examples? Google produced zero results when you searched for "C++ linked list"? I still posit that you're too damn lazy to do any work.

I'm not lazy but u didn't get what i mean... because i'm not good in English so i cannot explain what exactlly i mean

thanxxxx ........

I didn't get what you mean and you can't express yourself well enough to help me understand? Well, then all I can do is interpret what you mean by your actions, and your actions are that of a lazy leech. Sorry.

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