Develop class Polynomial. The internal representation of a Polynomial is an array of terms.
Each term contains a coefficient and an exponent. The term
has the coefficient 2 and the exponent 4. Develop a complete class containing proper constructor
and destructor functions as well as set and get functions. The class should also provide the following
overloaded operator capabilities:
a) Overload the addition operator (+) to add two Polynomials.
b) Overload the subtraction operator (-) to subtract two Polynomials.
c) Overload the assignment operator to assign one Polynomial to another.
d) Overload the multiplication operator (*) to multiply two Polynomials.
e) Overload the addition assignment operator (+=), subtraction assignment operator (-=),
and multiplication assignment operator (*=).
here is my code so far. I am getting error
Error 1 error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type c:\users\coxxie\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\homework 11.12\homework 11.12\polynomial.cpp 275 1 homework 11.12
Error 2 error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type c:\users\coxxie\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\homework 11.12\homework 11.12\polynomial.cpp 278 1 homework 11.12
3 IntelliSense: expression must have pointer-to-object type c:\users\coxxie\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\homework 11.12\homework 11.12\polynomial.cpp 275 13 homework 11.12
4 IntelliSense: expression must have pointer-to-object type c:\users\coxxie\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\homework 11.12\homework 11.12\polynomial.cpp 278 10 homework 11.12
yet when i use the & pointer i get some weird results. any help would be helpful.
my header file
#ifndef POLY_H
#define POLY_H
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class PolyNom
PolyNom operator + ( const PolyNom& ) const;
PolyNom operator - ( const PolyNom& ) const;
PolyNom operator * ( const PolyNom& );
PolyNom operator = ( const PolyNom& );
PolyNom& operator +=( const PolyNom& );
PolyNom& operator -=( const PolyNom& );
PolyNom& operator *=( const PolyNom& );
void enterTerms();
void printPolyNom() const;
int getNumOfTerms();
int getTermExpo( int );
int getTermCoeff( int );
void setCoeff( int, int);
int numOfTerms;
int expo[ 100 ];
int coeff[ 100 ];
void polyNomCombine( PolyNom& );
my cpp file
#include "polynomial.h"
for ( int t = 0; t < 100; t ++)
coeff[t] = 0;
expo[t] = 0;
void PolyNom::printPolyNom() const
int start;
bool zero = false;
if (coeff[ 0 ] )
cout << coeff[ 0 ];
start = 1;
zero = true;
if ( coeff[1])
cout << coeff[1] << 'x';
if( ( expo[1] != 0) && (expo[1] != 1))
cout << '^' << expo[1];
zero = true;
start = 2;
for ( int x = start; x < 100; x++)
if( coeff[x] != 0)
cout << showpos << coeff[x] << noshowpos << 'x';
if( (expo[x] !=0) && ( expo[x] != 1) )
cout << '^' << expo[x];
zero = true;
if( !zero)
cout << '0';
cout << endl;
PolyNom PolyNom::operator = ( const PolyNom &r )
expo[0] = r.expo[0];
coeff[0] = r.coeff[0];
for( int s = 1; ( s < 100); s++ )
if ( r.expo[s] != 0 )
expo[s] = r.expo[s];
coeff[s] = r.coeff[s];
if( expo[s] == 0)
expo[s] = 0;
coeff[s] = 0;
return *this;
PolyNom PolyNom::operator + ( const PolyNom &r ) const
PolyNom temp;
bool expoExists;
int s;
temp.coeff[0] = coeff[0] + r.coeff[0];
for ( s = 1; ( s < 100) && ( r.expo[s] != 0 ); s++)
temp.coeff[s] = r.coeff[s];
temp.expo[s] = r.expo[s];
for ( int x = 1; x < 100; x++ )
expoExists = false;
for (int t = 1; ( t < 100) && (!expoExists); t++)
if( expo[x] == temp.expo[t] )
temp.coeff[t] += coeff[x];
expoExists = true;
if( !expoExists )
temp.expo[s] = expo[x];
temp.coeff[s] += coeff[x];
return temp;
PolyNom& PolyNom::operator +=( const PolyNom &r )
*this = *this + r;
return *this;
PolyNom PolyNom::operator - ( const PolyNom &r ) const
PolyNom temp;
bool expoExists;
int s;
temp.coeff[0] = coeff[0] - r.coeff[0];
for( s = 1; (s < 100) && ( expo[s] != 0 ); s++)
temp.coeff[s] = coeff[s];
temp.expo[s] = expo[s];
for( int x = 1; x < 100; x++ )
expoExists = false;
for( int t = 1; ( t < 100) && (!expoExists); t++)
if( r.expo[x] == temp.expo[t] )
temp.coeff[t] -= r.coeff[x];
expoExists = true;
if( !expoExists )
temp.expo[s] = r.expo[x];
temp.coeff[s] -= r.coeff[x];
return temp;
PolyNom& PolyNom::operator -=( const PolyNom &r )
*this = *this - r;
return *this;
PolyNom PolyNom::operator * ( const PolyNom &r)
PolyNom temp;
int s = 1;
for( int x = 0; ( x < 100) && ( x == 0 || r.coeff[x] != 0); x++)
for( int y = 0; (y < 100) && y == 0 || r.coeff[y] != 0; y++)
if( (expo[x] == 0) && ( r.expo[y] == 0) )
temp.coeff[0] += coeff[x] * r.coeff[y];
temp.coeff[s] = coeff[x] * r.coeff[y];
temp.expo[s] = expo[x] + r.expo[y];
polyNomCombine( temp );
return temp;
void PolyNom::polyNomCombine( PolyNom &w)
PolyNom temp = w;
int exp;
for( int x = 0; x < 100; x++ )
w.coeff[x] = 0;
w.expo[x] = 0;
for( int x = 1; x < 100; x++ )
exp = temp.expo[x];
for( int y = x + 1; y < 100; y++)
if( exp == temp.expo[y] )
temp.coeff[x] += temp.coeff[y];
temp.expo[y] = 0;
temp.coeff[y] = 0;
w = temp;
PolyNom& PolyNom::operator *=( const PolyNom &r)
*this = *this * r;
return *this;
void PolyNom::enterTerms()
bool found = false;
int c, e, term;
cout << "\nEnter number of polynomial terms: ";
cin >> numOfTerms;
for( int n = 1; n <= numOfTerms; n++ )
cout << "\nEnter a coefficient: ";
cin >> c;
cout << "Enter exponent: ";
cin >> e;
if( c != 0 )
if( e == 0)
coeff[0] += c;
for( term = 1; (term < 100) && ( coeff[term] != 0); term++)
if ( e == expo[term] )
coeff[term] += c;
expo[term] = e;
found = true;
if( !found )
coeff[term] += c;
expo[term] = e;
int PolyNom::getNumOfTerms()
return numOfTerms;
int PolyNom::getTermExpo( int term )
return expo[term];
int PolyNom::getTermCoeff( int term )
return coeff[term];
void PolyNom::setCoeff( int term, int coeff)
if( coeff[ term ] == 0)
cout << "No term at this here, can't set term." << endl;
coeff[ term ] = coeff;
my driver program
#include "polynomial.h"
int main()
PolyNom a, b, c, t;
t = a;
cout << "First polynomial is: \n";
cout << "Second polynomial is: \n";
cout << "\nAdding the polynomials yields: \n";
c = a + b;
cout << "\n+= the polynomials: \n";
a += b;
cout << "\nSubtracting the polynomials: \n";
a = t;
c = a - b;
cout << "\n-= the polynomials: \n";
a -= b;
cout << "\nMultiplying the polynomials: \n";
a = t;
c = a * b;
cout << "\n*= the polynomials: \n";
a *= b;
cout << endl;
return 0;