can someone please help me with this code?
i am getting the following error : [Linker error] undefined reference to `enr(int, int, double, double, double)'
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
float ran1(long *);
#define IA 16807
#define IM 2147483647
#define AM (1.0/IM)
#define IQ 127773
#define IR 2836
#define NTAB 32
#define NDIV (1+(IM-1)/NTAB)
#define EPS 1.2e-7
#define RNMX (1.0-EPS)
float ran1(long *idum)
int j;
long k;
static long iy=0;
static long iv[NTAB];
float temp;
if (*idum <= 0 || !iy) {
if (-(*idum) < 1) *idum=1;
else *idum = -(*idum);
for (j=NTAB+7;j>=0;j--) {
if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM;
if (j < NTAB) iv[j] = *idum;
if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM;
iv[j] = *idum;
if ((temp=AM*iy) > RNMX) return RNMX;
else return temp;
#undef IA
#undef IM
#undef AM
#undef IQ
#undef IR
#undef NTAB
#undef NDIV
#undef EPS
#undef RNMX
//--------------------------------------Defining Energy Function--------------------
double annint(double, double);
double annint (double xcoz, double box) //If xcoz is not between (-0.5 to 0.5 * box) it is taken as part of another box
double co1, co2;
if (xcoz > 0)
co1 = (int(xcoz/box))*box;
return (xcoz-co1);
else if (xcoz < 0)
co2 = (int(xcoz/box))*box;
return (xcoz-co2);
// The LJ parameters for carbon and oxygen molecule (united atom) are as follows:
// Carbon: sigma = 3.4 Angstrom, epsilon = 43.3 K (= 0.086 kcal/mol)
// Oxygen: sigma = 3.43 Angstrom, epsilon = 113 K (= 0.22454 kcal/mol)
double enr(int, int, double, double, double);
double enr(int no, int nc, double box, double x[][3], double c[][3])
double uco, uoo, u; //uco = Interaction energy between C & O
for (int b = 0; b < no; b++)
for (int d=0; d<nc; d++)
double xcoz = x[b][2]-c[d][2];
xcoz = annint (xcoz, box);
double rco = sqrt(pow((x[b][0]-c[d][0]),2) + pow((x[b][1] - c[d][1]),2) + pow((xcoz),2));
uco = uco + (4 * 0.031) * (pow((3.415/rco),12) - pow((3.415/rco),6));
for (int e=0; e<(no-1); e++)
for (int f=(e+1); f<no; f++)
double xooz = x[e][2]-x[f][2];
xooz = annint (xooz, box);
double roo = sqrt(pow((x[e][0]-x[f][0]),2) + pow((x[e][1]-x[f][1]),2) + pow((xooz),2));
uoo = uoo + (4 * 0.22454) * (pow((3.43/roo),12) - pow((3.43/roo),6));
u = uco + uoo;
double x[1000][3];
double xn[3];
double temp[3];
double limit[3] = {6, 6, 20};
double c[1000][3];
long RAND = 3434534;
int nc, no, n;
double box = 24.6;
// x = coordinates of adsorbate
// temp = variable for storing 'new' coordinates of adsorbate
// temp = variable for storing old coordinates of adsorbate if accepted
// limit = limit of dimentions where O atom can be inserted
// c = coordinates of absorbent
int main()
cout << "Insert Number of Oxygen Molecules To Be Inserted: ";
cin >> no;
cout << "CHECK 1\n";
//------------------------- Reading File --------------------------
cout << "Insert number of MC moves: ";
int z;
cin >> z;
cout << z;
cout << "\nCHECK 2\n";
//-------------------------Finding Number of Carbons-----------------
std::ifstream cnt ("CNT.txt",std::ios::in);
if (cnt.is_open())
cout << "CHECK 3\n";
int itr = 0;
nc = 0;
char atm[] = "ATOM";
char atom[] = "ATOM";
for (itr = 0; itr < 1000; itr++)
for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++)
cnt >> atom[p];
// cout << '\t' << atom << '\t'; //CHECK
// cout << atom;
if (strcmp(atm,atom) == 0)
// cout << atom; //CHECK
cout << nc;
cout << itr;
if (cnt.is_open());
cout << "CHECK 4\n";
cout << "CHECK 5\n";
//---------------Insertion Co-ordinates of Carbon In Array---------------- ("CNT.txt",std::ios::in);
for (int q = 0;q < 4;q++)
for (int s = 0;s < nc; s++)
cnt >> c[s][0] >> c[s][1] >> c[s][2];
cout << c[s][0] << c[s][1] << c[s][2];
cout << "CHECK 6\n";
// ----------------- Inserting Oxygen atoms ------------------------
int a, b;
for (a = 0; a < 3; a++)
for (b = 0; b < no; b++)
// cout << "\n" << x[a][b] << "\n";
x[b][a] = (ran1(&RAND) - 0.5 ) * (limit[a]);
// cout << "\n" << x[a][b] << "\n";
cout << "CHECK 7\n";
/* Repeat Translation Move 'z' Number of Times (User Specified) */
int y;
for (y = 0; y < z; y++)
// --------------- Loop for performing 1 MC Move ------------------------------
/* Randomly Select An Oxygen Molecule */
// Oxygen Molecule = int (Rand(f) * No. of Oxygen) + 1
n = (int (ran1(&RAND) * (no-1)));
/* Randomly Generate New X,Y,Z Co-ordinates */
// x(new) = x(old) + ^x
for (a = 0; a<3; a++)
xn[a] = x[n][a] + (ran1(&RAND) -0.5);
temp[a] = x[n][a];
// cout << n << '\t' << xn[a] << '\t' << temp[a] << '\t';
/* Call Old Energy, New Energy */
double uo, un;
uo = enr(no, nc, box, x[no][3], c[nc][3]);
for (int g = 0; g < 3; g++)
x[n][g] = xn[g];
un = enr(no, nc, box, x[no][3], c[nc][3]);
cout << '\n' << uo << '\t' << un << '\t';
/* Find Out The Probability of Translation */
double h, prob;
h = 0.590195;
prob = exp(-h*(un-uo));
// cout << prob;
/* Generate A Random Number (If Greater Than Probability Reject The Move Otherwise Accept It) */
/* Rand(f);
If Rand(f) < acc(o->n)
x(o) = xn;
if (ran1(&RAND) > prob)
int i;
for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
x[n][i] = temp[i];
cout << x[n][i];
cout << "CHECK 8\n";
//----------- Writing Co-ordinates of Oxygen in File------------------
std::ofstream cnt2 ("CNT2.txt",std::ios::out);
int num = nc;
for (n=0; n<no; n++)
cnt2 << "ATOM " << num++ << " O UNK 1 " << x[n][0] << " " << x[n][1] << " " << x[n][2] << " 1.00 0.00/n";
cnt2 << "END";
//---------------------- CHECK --------------------------------
cout << "END\n";
cout << c[1][1] << "\n" << c[4][1] << "\n" << c[7][1] << "\n"; //CHECK Some Random Co-ordinates
cout << no << "\n"; //CHECK No. of Oxygen
cout << nc << "\n"; //CHECK No. of Carbon
cout << num << "\n"; //CHECK No. of Carbon + Oxygen
cout << enr(no, nc, box, x[no][3], c[nc][3]); //CHECK Final Energy
return (0);
/* TODO (#1#): Not working Check5-Check6 */
/* TODO (#2#): Not working Energy Function (Used From Check7-Check8) */
/* TODO (#3#): Working Till Check8 */