In my program, I used a vector to store the file. The file contains the data (see below).
Do I need to create two vectors to store the data below as integers and strings?
Or is there a shorter way to do this, and just allow the user to enter the ISBN number and returns the TITLE, AUTHOR, and AVAILABLE Status? Thanks for the help!
1397805387 Programming Logic & Design Farrell Y
1397814380 Understanding Operating Systems Flynn,Mchoes Y
1397801321 Problem SOlving in C++ Savitch Y
1397802575 Java How to Program Deitel Y
0201743876 Database Management Riccardi Y
0887307876 Dilbert Principle Adams N
0805375651 Unix Systems Sobell N
0201094381 COmputer Animation Weinstein Y
1397814239 C# Programming Doyle Y
0130351814 Core Perl Lerner N