There's the text given (Duomenys.txt). The program removes vowels of the longest words in each line.

How do you redo the program to find numbers in the line (starting with -+0123456789) and insert the word NUMBER before these numbers (in the results file).

const char Cduom[] = "Duomenys.txt";      // data file
const char Crez[] = "Rezultatai.txt";     // results file
const char Canalize[] = "Analize.txt";    // analysis file
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void ApdorotiTeksta(const char dfv[], const char rfv[], const char afv[]);   // work text
void AnalizuotiEilute(string eil, string & IlgZodis, int & IlgZPradzia, 
                     unsigned int & IlgZIlgis);                              // analyse text
void RedaguotiEilute(string &eil, int IlgZPradzia, int IlgZIlgis);           // edit line

int main()
  ApdorotiTeksta(Cduom, Crez, Canalize);                                     // work text

// Reading text line by line
// dfv - data file name, rfv - edited text file name
// afv - analysis file name
void ApdorotiTeksta(const char dfv[], const char rfv[], const char afv[])    // work text
  string IlgZodis;    // longest word
  int  IlgZPradzia;   // longest words beginning in the line 
  unsigned int  IlgZIlgis;     // length of the longest word
  ifstream fd(dfv);
  ofstream fr(rfv);
  ofstream fa(afv);
  string E;
  fa << "--------------------------------------\n";
  fa << "| Longest word | Beginning | Length |\n";
  fa << "--------------------------------------\n";
  while(!fd.eof()) {
    getline(fd, E);
    AnalizuotiEilute(E, IlgZodis, IlgZPradzia, IlgZIlgis);  // analyse line
    if(IlgZIlgis > 0){
     fa << "| " << left << setw(16) << IlgZodis << " | "
        << right << setw(7) << IlgZPradzia;
     fa << " | " << setw(5) << IlgZIlgis << " |\n";
     RedaguotiEilute(E, IlgZPradzia, IlgZIlgis);            // edit line
    fr << E << endl;
  fa << "--------------------------------------\n";
// Function which finds the longest word in the line, the beginning of that word and the length
// eil - line where the search is being done
// IlgZodis - returns the longest word in the line
// IlgZPradzia - returns the beginning ot the word
// IlgZIlgis - returns the length of the word
void AnalizuotiEilute(string eil, string & IlgZodis, int & IlgZPradzia, unsigned int & IlgZIlgis)  // analyse line
  string Skirt = " .,!?:;()\t"; // marks between words
  string Zodis;                 // word
  int zpr = 0, zpb = 0;
  IlgZodis = "";
  IlgZPradzia = 0; IlgZIlgis = 0;
  while ((zpr = eil.find_first_not_of(Skirt, zpb)) != string::npos) {
    zpb = eil.find_first_of(Skirt, zpr);
    Zodis = eil.substr(zpr, zpb - zpr);
    if (Zodis.length() > IlgZIlgis) {
      IlgZodis = Zodis;
      IlgZPradzia = zpr;
      IlgZIlgis = Zodis.length();
// Function which removes vowels from the longest word
// eil - line which is exchanged 
// IlgZPradzia - beginning of the longest word in the line
// IlgZIlgis - length of the longest word in the line
void RedaguotiEilute(string &eil, int IlgZPradzia, int IlgZIlgis)  // edit line 
  string Balses = "AEIYOUaeiyou";  // vowels 
  int i = IlgZPradzia;             
  while (i < IlgZPradzia + IlgZIlgis)
    if (Balses.find_first_of(eil[i]) != string::npos) {
      eil.erase(i, 1);

How do you redo the program to find numbers in the line (starting with -+0123456789) and insert the word NUMBER before these numbers (in the results file).

Find each word
Test the first character
If -/+/digit then output the word NUMBER
Output the word

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