I have a question for all of my fellow Daniwebbers.
If I place a panel within another panel, can I "click" the panel later?
In other words, if I am able to click the panel, can I reference that panel in code for manipulation? Such as flipping or rotating the panel orientation.
Here is what I have so far, but it requires the user to type the "index".
If CInt(TextBox1.Text) <> 0 Or TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
'Allows the user to rotate the image using the text box and rotate button
ImagePanel.Controls(CInt(TextBox1.Text) - 1).BackgroundImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone)
ImagePanel.Controls(CInt(TextBox1.Text) - 1).Refresh()
End If
I should also add that the panels that are added into the parent panel are created on runtime.