This my first time asking for help for my C++ programming class but recently my teacher gave us an assignment that got me so confused. I don't understand what to do. My assignment is due Wed, Feb 8, 2012 and my C++ programming book is expected to arrive Friday. I didn't want to receive an F on this assignment because it's 45% of my grade. So if someone can help, that will be great. Thanks
Here is the assignment below:
P.S. My teacher also said that there should be a menu also.
Write a program to accomplish the following tasks:
1. Generate arbitrary number of random integer numbers between [0-100]
2. Save or load the numbers from/to a text file based on user option
3. Search the generated list for an arbitrary number entered by a user
4. Use Linear search algorithms based on a user option
5. Computes CPU time used by either search algorithm
6. Use menu-based interaction with the user