Hi guys, I just found this site while doing a google search for "declaration syntax errors" and it looks like there are some great people here that are willing to take time to explain things which is what I need!

I'm in college taking c++ and my teacher doesn't tell us anything at all. Literally. He just gives us assignments and sets us free. This latest assignment is on Arrays, more specifically the program generates data for a sine waveform.

I feel like I have it almost complete (probably not the neatest code I know) but I can't get rid of errors enough to compile it.

He wants the program to input amplitude, frequency, duration and timestep (delta t) and generate a table with the time and the sine that looks something like this:

Time Sine
1 0
2 .5
3 1
4 .5
5 0
6 -.5
7 -1
8 -.5
9 0

So here is what I have so far:

// lab8.cpp
// Author: Grant Bivens
// Class: EET 2303 C++
// Professor: Dr. Imad Abouzahr
// Date: 4-4-06
// This program generates a table of values at specific times along a sine waveform.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>	// includes
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;		// using standards.
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
const float pi = 3.1415; //set pi as a constant so "pi" can be used instead of 3.141...

// initalize function CalcWaveform 
void CalcWaveform ( double Waveform, int size, double frequency, double deltat, double amplitude )
int main() //begin main function
   int wavesize; // initalize wavesize as integer
   double duration, deltat, amplitude, frequency; // initalized as double
   cout << "\nEnter duration"; // get duration
   cin >> duration;
   cout << "\nEnter Delta t"; // get delta t
   cin >> deltat;
   cout << "\nEnter wave amplitude"; // get amplitude
   cin >> amplitude;
   cout << "\nEnter wave frequency"; // get frequency
   cin >> frequency;
   wavesize = static_cast <int> ( duration / deltat ); //set size of wavesize
   double Waveform []; // initalize Waveform array
   for (int i = 0; i < wavesize; i++) //loop
   Waveform [ i ] = 0.0; // initalize array to 0
   // call function
   CalcWaveform (Waveform , wavesize, frequency, deltat, amplitude);
   cout << "\nTime" << setw ( 13 ) << "Sine" << endl; // display header text
   // loop to fill waveform array
   for ( int h = 0; h < wavesize; h++ ) 
   cout << setw ( 7 ) << h * deltat << setw ( 13 ) << Waveform [ h ] << endl; 
system ( "pause" );
return 0;

//start CalcWaveform function 
void CalcWaveform ( double Waveform, int size, double frequency, double deltat, double amplitude )
   int i; //initialize i
   for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) // counter
   Waveform [ i ] = amplitude * sin ( 2 * pi * frequency * i * deltat ); // calculates
   cout << Waveform [ i ] << endl; // prints array results

I have gotten rid of most of my errors, syntax and logic, but I've run out of ideas and things to try.

The error I am currently getting is "Error E2141 lab8.cpp 25: Declaration syntax error"

What I don't get isline 25 is "int main()" I don't see what is an error about that.

Thank you in advance.
-Grant Bivens

// lab8.cpp
// Author: Grant Bivens
// Class: EET 2303 C++
// Professor: Dr. Imad Abouzahr
// Date: 4-4-06
// This program generates a table of values at specific times along a sine waveform.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>	// includes
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;		// using standards.
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
const float pi = 3.1415; //set pi as a constant so "pi" can be used instead of 3.141...

// initalize function CalcWaveform 
void CalcWaveform ( double Waveform, int size, double frequency, double deltat, double amplitude );
int main() //begin main function
   int wavesize; // initalize wavesize as integer
   double duration, deltat, amplitude, frequency; // initalized as double
   cout << "\nEnter duration"; // get duration
   cin >> duration;
   cout << "\nEnter Delta t"; // get delta t
   cin >> deltat;
   cout << "\nEnter wave amplitude"; // get amplitude
   cin >> amplitude;
   cout << "\nEnter wave frequency"; // get frequency
   cin >> frequency;
   wavesize = static_cast <int> ( duration / deltat ); //set size of wavesize
   double Waveform []; // initalize Waveform array
   for (int i = 0; i < wavesize; i++) //loop
   Waveform [ i ] = 0.0; // initalize array to 0
   // call function
   CalcWaveform (Waveform , wavesize, frequency, deltat, amplitude);
   cout << "\nTime" << setw ( 13 ) << "Sine" << endl; // display header text
   // loop to fill waveform array
   for ( int h = 0; h < wavesize; h++ ) 
   cout << setw ( 7 ) << h * deltat << setw ( 13 ) << Waveform [ h ] << endl; 
system ( "pause" );
return 0;

//start CalcWaveform function 
void CalcWaveform ( double Waveform, int size, double frequency, double deltat, double amplitude )
   int i; //initialize i
   for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) // counter
   Waveform [ i ] = amplitude * sin ( 2 * pi * frequency * i * deltat ); // calculates
   cout << Waveform [ i ] << endl; // prints array results

Usually you should look

  • in the error line
  • right before the error line
  • right after the error line.

In this case it was just before the error line 25. You missed a semicolon.

MOD - Please remove this thread. It is indexed on google and do not wish for it to be viewable any longer.

Thank you,

MOD - Please remove this thread. It is indexed on google and do not wish for it to be viewable any longer.


It probably was his homework assignment and he's affraid his teacher going to find out :cool:

Na.. he is afraid that his friends might stumble across this same snippet while reasearhcing and submit the same as assignment.

Yes, it was one of my homework assignments from last semester. No, I do not care if my professor stumbles across it. I already have my grade for the class.

I am trying to get rid of the amount of stuff that comes up when people google me.

why would people want to google for you?

Holy cow, this isn't rocket science...

I have asked nicely for this thread to be removed.

Does it matter why people would google me? No, that has absolutly NOTHING to do with you removing this thread.

Now I ask again PLEASE remove this thread.

Thank you,

Oops. I forgot to tell you that we don't delete threads unless they are violating forum rules.:)

I am closing this thread before it get's out of hand. But before that I should explain the reason for not deleting this or any other thread (incase other requests similar to this arise in the future). If you have any other questions, please contact me via PM.

  1. The reason we offer free public help rather than private paid help is for newbies, like me and you, to learn from other people's mistakes and the solutions they came up with. If a thread gets deleted once it gets solved, that objective will not be achieved, and all the free, selfless, helpful effort put by the solution provider will be in vain. This is like open source. The more you share, the more you benefit in the whole.
  2. Deleting a thread deletes all the replies contained in it, along with the original posting. This discourages the helpful people from posting again, because they do not have a guarantee that their post will survive for others to learn.
  3. Daniweb holds a copyright for all the threads posted in this site. So after posting something, it is not your property but rather Daniweb's.

There are a lot more reasons that I can think of, but the above three should be the most important.

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