Which is the best compiler for C++ development for latest versions of OS like the 64 bit windows?

The DEV C++ compiler is a good option but I find it problematic for file handling.
Visual C++ is also a good alternative but I couldnt find any command for compiling and running the code.
G++ compiler is good but it does not support the windows header files.

I myself use CodeBlocks, and it's doing really well, at least under my Ubuntu. I've also tested it under Windows XP and Windows 7, and even though you can add files a little bit faster, running C++ under Windows is slooooow... but still works.

When I first started programming I used MinGW, whose debug mode is a little more intuitive than CodeBlocks'. However, it doesn't include auto-fill or a plugin manager like CB. Not a big downside, but an AutoFormatter is always nice.

I've used Dev, and most people recommend it, but I haven't got a clear opinion on it. I'd recommend going with CB.

Which is the best compiler for C++ development for latest versions of OS like the 64 bit windows?

Best? What makes you think there's a best? If there was a best, there'd only be one choice.

The DEV C++ compiler is a good option but I find it problematic for file handling.

What's that mean?

Visual C++ is also a good alternative but I couldnt find any command for compiling and running the code.

It's there. It's called RUN. Probably under the DEBUG menu.

G++ compiler is good but it does not support the windows header files.

Windows header files are not standard and only work on Windows O/S. There are many other O/S's out there so you are limiting yourself if all you want to use are windows headers.

You can't talk about 'the best' compiler, you would have to give some context, for example MSVC++ is probably the 'best' compiler if you want to create MFC programs (not that I think anyone should want to do that), on the other hand for a long time if you were interested in the most efficient fastest code on an Intel based platform then the compiler produced by Intel was the 'best' (because unsurprisingly they know their own processors better than anyone else).

DEV C++ is not a compiler it is an IDE which I think used an old version of the MinGW32 compiler. Code:Blocks is similar, an IDE not a compiler that make use of a compiler supplied from someone else (again MinGW32 by default I believe but a newer version).

Visual C++ F5 (Run in debug mode) Ctrl-F5 (run)

MinGW32 a Windows g++ port does support the Windows headers but of course if you use those then you executable will be limited to running on Windows.

Visual C++ is also a good alternative but I couldnt find any command for compiling and running the code.

It is there. If it wasn't, I doubt VC++ would be used much.

In addition to going through the menus, you can also do it with hotkeys. For example, to execute I think you can use F5 or Control-F5. Microsoft has posted several handy posters for keyboard shortcuts on their website:


For VC++ keyboard shortcuts, the two PDFs you are interested in are the two with CPP in their title. Just download, print, and you've got yourself a handy reference.

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