Good morning

I have an event called "OptionChanged" that is triggered when one of many CheckBox's is changed.

string cb = ((CheckBox)sender).Name.Remove(((CheckBox)sender).Name.Count() - 1);

gets the name of the changed CheckBox, removes the last letter then copies it to a string.

Now, i need to find the relevant bool (named exactly like the string) that has already been declared to change its value.

Is this possible?


It's possible... you'd have to use Reflection (essentially it makes the program source code aware). I would highly recommend you do not do this, as it can be very prone to bugs/errors and is generally reserved for debugging (or possibley very speciallized circumstances).

What are you trying to achieve?

Thanks for the reply mmaillet.
I am trying to lump all the events of different checkboxes into one function. I have specifically named the checkboxes and bools to enable me to do this; thus the removing of the last character.

I am just looking for a way to shorten the code from say 50 lines to around 3.

thanks again

You could accomplish your goal via Reflection something like this:

private bool fred;
public void SetBoolean(string boolToSet, bool Value)
    System.Reflection.FieldInfo fi = this.GetType.GetField(boolToSet, Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
    fi.SetValue(this, Value);
public void test()
    SetBoolean("fred", true);

However, I would recommend that you consider using a Dictionary(Of String, Boolean) instead. It will give you the access by name feature that you want.

thats an awesome bit of code there TnTinMN! i got round the problem in the end but this will be very useful for me in future projects.

Thank you

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