
I am newbie , I have application in which check-box tree is present. I want to pre-populate the check-box's if user before checked some of those check box.

For that am getting XML format from my back-end perl script as shown below.like , in below XML only 0, 43,44,45,46 and 50 are coming so only those respective checkbox need to checked on page load.I want to display those checked check-box on page load .How can I do this .......?

I tried with so many examples . but am not getting solution for my problem .Below is my XML format data which is am getting from perl script .

 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="0">1</item> 
 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="43">1</item> 
 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="44">1</item> 
 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="45">1</item> 
 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="46">1</item> 
 <hashref memory_address="0x86f4880"> 
  <item key="50">1</item> 

Please Help

Thank You

If you're placing the XML inside of HTML through server-side scripting, there are bound to be encoding functions to allow you to do that (if you add what your server-side technology is, we can give you specific examples of how you'd do it).

try it http://jsfiddle.net/y9fqf/1/

Hey arijith,

Thank You for your response .I make use of PERL for my server-side technology. Can you be bit details about this ...?PLease
can U give me simple example DEMO whihc suits my reqirment ......?

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I have been working on a project populating forms based on XML data however i have been using php and jquery, not to sure if you are in a position to switch but i found using php and jquery a lot easier

thanks for sharing i am trying to last few for this conversation bu not able to do.

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