I am suppose to write a program that inserts 25 random integers from 0 to 100 in order in a linked list. The program should calculate the sum of the elements and the floating-point average of the elements.

I have been stuck with the add and average functions for some time now. I have been trying to get the element in the current node and insert it into sum, and then move onto the next element, but everything that I try seems to compile an error.

Here is my code.

#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

#include <iostream> 
#include <new>
#include "ListNode.h"
using namespace std;

template< typename NODETYPE >
class List 
   List(); // default constructor
   List( const List< NODETYPE > & ); // copy constructor
   ~List(); // destructor

   void insertAtFront( const NODETYPE & );
   void insertAtBack( const NODETYPE & );
   bool removeFromFront( NODETYPE & );
   bool removeFromBack( NODETYPE & );
   bool isEmpty() const;
   void print() const;
   ListNode< NODETYPE > *firstPtr; // pointer to first node
   ListNode< NODETYPE > *lastPtr; // pointer to last node

   // Utility function to allocate a new node
   ListNode< NODETYPE > *getNewNode( const NODETYPE & );
}; // end class template List

// default constructor
template< typename NODETYPE >
List< NODETYPE >::List() 
   firstPtr = lastPtr = 0; 
} // end constructor

// copy constructor
template< typename NODETYPE >
List< NODETYPE >::List( const List<NODETYPE> &copy )
   firstPtr = lastPtr = 0; // initialize pointers

   ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = copy.firstPtr;

   // insert into the list
   while ( currentPtr != 0 ) 
      insertAtBack( currentPtr->data );
      currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
   } // end while
} // end List copy constructor

// destructor
template< typename NODETYPE >
List< NODETYPE >::~List()
   if ( !isEmpty() ) // List is not empty
      cout << "Destroying nodes ...\n";

      ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr;
      ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr;

      while ( currentPtr != 0 ) // delete remaining nodes
         tempPtr = currentPtr;
         cout << tempPtr->data << ' ';
         currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
         delete tempPtr;
      } // end while
   } // end if

   cout << "\nAll nodes destroyed\n\n";
} // end destructor

// Insert a node at the front of the list
template< typename NODETYPE >
void List< NODETYPE >::insertAtFront( const NODETYPE &value )
   ListNode<NODETYPE> *newPtr = getNewNode( value );

   if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty
      firstPtr = lastPtr = newPtr;
   else // List is not empty
      newPtr->nextPtr = firstPtr;
      firstPtr = newPtr;
   } // end else
} // end function insertAtFront

// Insert a node at the back of the list
template< typename NODETYPE >
void List< NODETYPE >::insertAtBack( const NODETYPE &value )
   ListNode< NODETYPE > *newPtr = getNewNode( value );

   if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty
      firstPtr = lastPtr = newPtr;
   else // List is not empty
      lastPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
      lastPtr = newPtr;
   } // end else
} // end function insertAtBack

// Delete a node from the front of the list
template< typename NODETYPE >
bool List< NODETYPE >::removeFromFront( NODETYPE &value )
   if ( isEmpty() ) // List is empty
      return false; // delete unsuccessful
      ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr = firstPtr;

      if ( firstPtr == lastPtr )
         firstPtr = lastPtr = 0;
         firstPtr = firstPtr->nextPtr;

      value = tempPtr->data; // data being removed

      delete tempPtr;
      return true; // delete successful
   } // end else
} // end function removeFromFront

// delete a node from the back of the list
template< typename NODETYPE >
bool List< NODETYPE >::removeFromBack( NODETYPE &value )
   if ( isEmpty() )
      return false; // delete unsuccessful
      ListNode< NODETYPE > *tempPtr = lastPtr;

      if ( firstPtr == lastPtr )
         firstPtr = lastPtr = 0;
         ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr;

         while ( currentPtr->nextPtr != lastPtr )
            currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;

         lastPtr = currentPtr;
         currentPtr->nextPtr = 0;
      } // end else

      value = tempPtr->data;
      delete tempPtr;
      return true; // delete successful
   } // end else
} // end function removeFromBack

// Is the List empty?
template< typename NODETYPE >
bool List< NODETYPE >::isEmpty() const 
   return firstPtr == 0; 
} // end function isEmpty

// Return a pointer to a newly allocated node
template< typename NODETYPE >
ListNode< NODETYPE > *List< NODETYPE >::getNewNode(
   const NODETYPE &value)
   ListNode< NODETYPE > *ptr = new ListNode< NODETYPE >( value );
   return ptr;
} // end function getNewNode

// Display the contents of the List
template< typename NODETYPE >
void List< NODETYPE >::print() const
   if ( isEmpty() ) // empty list
      cout << "The list is empty\n\n";
   } // end if

   ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr;

   cout << "The list is: ";

   while ( currentPtr != 0 ) // display elements in list
      cout << currentPtr->data << ' ';
      currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
   } // end while

   cout << "\n\n";
} // end function print


#ifndef LISTNODE_H
#define LISTNODE_H

template< typename T > class List; // forward declaration

template< typename NODETYPE >
class ListNode 
   friend class List< NODETYPE >; // make List a friend
   ListNode( const NODETYPE & ); // constructor
   NODETYPE getData() const; // return the data in the node

   // set nextPtr to nPtr
   void setNextPtr( ListNode *nPtr ) 
      nextPtr = nPtr; 
   } // end function setNextPtr

   // return nextPtr
   ListNode *getNextPtr() const 
      return nextPtr; 
   } // end function getNextPtr

   NODETYPE data; // data
   ListNode *nextPtr; // next node in the list
}; // end class ListNode

// constructor
template< typename NODETYPE >
ListNode< NODETYPE >::ListNode( const NODETYPE &info )
   data = info;
   nextPtr = 0;
} // end constructor

// return a copy of the data in the node
template< typename NODETYPE >
NODETYPE ListNode< NODETYPE >::getData() const 
   return data; 
} // end function getData


#ifndef LIST2_H
#define LIST2_H

#include "ListNode.h"
#include "List.h"

template< typename NODETYPE >
class List2 : public List< NODETYPE > 
   void insertInOrder( const NODETYPE & );
}; // end class List2

// insert a node in order
template< typename NODETYPE >
void List2< NODETYPE >::insertInOrder( const NODETYPE &value )
   if ( isEmpty() ) // list is empty
      ListNode< NODETYPE > *newPtr = getNewNode( value );
      firstPtr = lastPtr = newPtr;
   } // end if
   else // list is not empty
      if ( firstPtr->getData() > value ) // value is the smallest
         insertAtFront( value );
      else if ( lastPtr->getData() < value ) // value is the largest
         insertAtBack( value );
         ListNode< NODETYPE > *currentPtr = firstPtr->getNextPtr();
         ListNode< NODETYPE > *previousPtr = firstPtr;
         ListNode< NODETYPE > *newPtr = getNewNode( value );

         while ( currentPtr != lastPtr && currentPtr->getData() < value )
            previousPtr = currentPtr;
            currentPtr = currentPtr->getNextPtr();
         } // end while

         previousPtr->setNextPtr( newPtr );
         newPtr->setNextPtr( currentPtr );
      } // end else
   } // end else
} // end function insertInOrder


#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "List2.h"
using namespace std;
template<class T>
int sumList(List <T> &listObject)
    int sum = 0;

    while (!listObject.isEmpty() )


    return sum;

template<class T>
double aveList(List <T> &listObject)
    int sum = 0;
    double avg;
    while (!listObject.isEmpty() )


    avg = sum / 25;
    return avg;
int main()
   srand( time( 0 ) ); // randomize the random number generator

   List2< int > intList;

   // fill intList with 25 random numbers between 0 and 100
   for (int a = 1; a <= 25; a++)
      intList.insertAtBack(rand() %101);

   int sum = sumList( intList ); // calculate sum
   double average = aveList( intList ); // calculate average

   cout << "The sum of the elements is: " << sum << '\n';
   cout << "The average of the elements is: " << average << '\n';
   return 0;
} // end main

Any tips or help would be appreciated. I feel like I'm on the right track though.

It sounds like you are using the Deitel book... where everything is over complicated to the power of 1000. They super dress a simple linked list in Class and derived classes for no reason. Have you tried using a simple Struct Node? Then traverse the list in a for loop as you add each element? You can still create insertFront() insertBack() functions and depending on whether the random number generated you insert it either in the front or back.

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