package admin.entity;

import java.util.Random;

public final class PasswordGenerator {

  // DATAS
    // characters with which the password will be composed
    private static final int charactersSize = 100;
    private static char [] characters = new char [charactersSize];

    // keep the counts of used characters
    private static int charactersCount = 0;

    // size of the password to generate
    private int passwordSize;

    public PasswordGenerator( int passwordSize ) {

      // set the password size
      this.passwordSize = passwordSize;

      // set the characters that will be used to generate the password

    // fill the array of characters that will be used to generate the password 
    private static char [] initCharacters() {
      int i = 0;

      // add 0-9
      for ( int j = 48; j < 58; ++i, ++j, ++charactersCount ) {
        characters[i] = (char) j;

      // add @ + a-z
      for ( int j = 64; j < 91; ++i, ++j, ++charactersCount ) {
        characters[i] = (char) j;

      // add A-Z
      for ( int j = 97; j < 123; ++i, ++j, ++charactersCount ) {
        characters[i] = (char) j;

      return characters;

    // generate a random password
    public char [] get() {

      // initialize the random number generator
      Random rnd = new Random();

      char [] password = new char [passwordSize];

      // choose a random character from the array
      for ( int i = 0; i < passwordSize; ++i ) {
        password[i] = characters[ rnd.nextInt(charactersCount) ];

      return password;

    // show the characters the will be used to compose the pass
    public void showCharacters() {
      for ( int i = 0; i < charactersCount && characters[i] != 0; ++i ) {

  // MAIN - testing code 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      int passwordSize = 10;
      PasswordGenerator password = new PasswordGenerator( passwordSize );
      System.out.println( password.get() );   


by instantiating and using it?
Only the showCharacters will be useless in your GUI, since it's hardcoded with console output.

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