hi everybody,
i want help from u people . as i am going to have a project.
can u people tell me
are u going to help me in that project.

holly and Q veen plz tell me please
i m waitnig for ur reply..


yar i forgot to write that my project is to make a calculator on

Hi Sweety,

This Form is for u..
Down Load this attachment.
if there is any problem, let me know


hi veena thank u so much for the code . yar but the problem is i want
for scintific calculator.
aur is code mei bhi kuch error tha.
tomoro i will tell u the error ok

bye take care


Download that Zip file And Goto Project Properties -> Make
StartUp Object = scientific.

its a good code.. No need to Re-Invent the wheel



Download that Zip file And Goto Project Properties -> Make
StartUp Object = scientific.

its a good code.. No need to Re-Invent the wheel


Excuse me, but if you give them code to a project they want to do, how can they possibly learn how to program? All code that people learn from has already been written. Why did you invent the wheel when there were many other calculators available? Including mine? ;)

And people (everyone that has posted in this thread), please read this section of the DaniWeb RULES.

yar veena although i have a calculator but this is my college
project. rememeber that i am student . thats y i have to do
suc things.
listen veena where should i write.
startup obect = scintific.

there is sum problem. i have downloaded the code from the
site but the problem is this there is a code of a scintific calculator
but the portion of a scintific calculator is not working.
tell me what should i do now..:rolleyes:


Hi, sweety,

u r not supposed to write any start up object..

Just goto menu Project -->> Project Properties -->>
In First Tab there is Start-up object.

But, what WaltP is saying is right.. u will have to try and do it yourself.. if u get stuck some where , then post here, anyway we are here to help you. Dont worry, Whatever may be the complications, one of us here will help you.

I saw your New Thread is Closed.. problem resolved or what?



But, what WaltP is saying is right.. u will have to try and do it yourself.. if u get stuck some where , then post here, anyway we are here to help you.

WaltP also said "please read this section of the DaniWeb RULES."

I saw your New Thread is Closed.. problem resolved or what?

No, it was a disregard of the Rules (and arguing with the Moderator). She can post again with a proper question as the DaniWeb RULES state.

hi veena thank u so much for the code . yar but the problem is i want
for scintific calculator.
aur is code mei bhi kuch error tha.
tomoro i will tell u the error ok
bye take care

You should keep in mind that this is an international forum where people form different parts of the world come to gain some knowledge.

Please don't talk in any other langauge other than English since not many people understand Hinglish here (hindi + english). Read the rules as suggested by Mr. WaltP.

hi i m going to start my solving problems. no they are not solved yet.
i will contact u and other people if i got any problem.


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