Please help I'm trying to write a program in C using nested loops which has an output of 1-8 (newline) 2-9 (newline) 3-10 (newline) 4-11(newline) 5-12. I wrote a program but I know it has to be a simplier way and I don't think I used nested loops correctly because the first for statement is irrilevant. PLEASE HELP

include <stdio.h>
int main()
                int k, j, i,l, m, n;
      for(i=0; i<1; i++)
                                for(k=1; k<9; k++) printf("%d", k);
                                for(j=2; j<10; j++) printf("%d", j);
                                for(l=3; l<11; l++) printf("%d", l);
                                for(m=4; m<12; m++) printf("%d", m);
                                for(n=5; n<13; n++) printf("%d", n);
                                return 0;

First, format your code properly.

What does your book/instructor say about a FOR loop and/or statement? What's it do? What does it execute?

What does the program you wrote do? What does it not do?

The for loop allows one or more statements to be repeated for a specific number of times. It initializes a value, does a conditional test and increments or decrements???

Please help I'm trying to write a program in C using nested loops which has an output of 1-8 (newline) 2-9 (newline) 3-10 (newline) 4-11(newline) 5-12. I wrote a program but I know it has to be a simplier way and I don't think I used nested loops correctly because the first for statement is irrilevant. PLEASE HELP


Is the output expected to look like this?:


I am having trouble understanding your question.

yes the output is expected to look like that.

Here's a simply way to do it with a while loop. Just add more cases if you need to add another line of numbers.

bool Done = false;
 cout << i++ << ' ';
 if(i == 8)
  i = 2;
  cout << '\n';
 cout << i++ << ' ';
 if(i == 9)
  i = 3;
  cout << '\n';
    cout << i++ << ' ';
 if(i == 10)
  i = 4;
  cout << '\n';
    cout << i++ << ' ';
 if( i == 11)
  Done = true;

yes the output is expected to look like that.

This could be one of many ways of doing it. Take a look at it. Look also at the format for posting code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int a = 1;
    int b = 0;
    int c = 8;
    for(a = 1; a <= 5; a++)
        for(b = a; b <= c; b++)
            printf("%d", b);
    return 0; 
commented: Simple n clean program.i'm just starting in 'C' programming and been havin a real tough time figuring out nested loops.....guess this'd be givin me a headstart.Thank you. +0

Thanks I appreciate it, I'm going to study the logic of how you wrote this code, and I will also look at the format for posting. Thanks again

Thanks I appreciate it

You're welcome.

Now if you are pushing for more nested for loops, you could always get one more loop in the nest.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int a,b,c;
    for(a = 0; a < 5; a++)
        for(b = 1; b <= 8; b++)
            for(c = b; c <= 8; c++)
                printf("%d", c);

    return 0; 

Here's a simply way to do it with a while loop.

And how does that poorly formatted program help with

I'm trying to write a program in C using nested loops which ...


Simple n clean program.i'm just starting in 'C' programming and been havin a real tough time figuring out nested loops.....guess this'd be givin me a headstart.Thank you.

commented: Don't post in threads that are solved and over 2 years old +0

1 2
2 3 4
4 5 6 7
please give me this pattern code in c programming

hey I need to display an output like this o o
o o
o o
o o bt I cant seem to find the exact code

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