I'm trying to get this ISBN checker to work. I've used the formula from this site and also this site and it seems to work fine except for the ISBN of my Java book. When I compute my book's ISBN (0131496980), it is apparently invalid. I have tried the other codes on both of those sites as well as other books I have at home and there is no problem. Here is my code:

public class DigitExtractor
	public DigitExtractor(String code)
		isbn = code;
	public int nextDigit()
		// convert to int
		digit = isbn.charAt(count) - 48;

		count += 1;

		return digit;
	public int getLength()
		return isbn.length();
	public String getISBN()
		return isbn;
	private String isbn;
	private int digit;
	private int count;
public class ISBNChecker
	public static void main(String[] args)
		DigitExtractor myDigit = new DigitExtractor("123456789X");
		int sum = 0;		// holds the sum
		int rem = 0;		// holds the remainder
		int checkSum = 0;	// holds the checkSum value

		if (myDigit.getLength() == 10)
			// extract the next digit and add it to the sum
			for (int cnt = 0; cnt < myDigit.getLength() - 1; cnt++)
				int temp = myDigit.nextDigit() * (myDigit.getLength() - cnt);
				sum += temp;

			System.out.println("sum: " + sum);

			// get the remainder of sum / 11
			rem = sum % 11;
			System.out.println("remainder: " + rem);

			// subtract remainder from 11 to get checkSum
			checkSum = 11 - rem;

			System.out.println("checksum: " + checkSum);
		else if (myDigit.getLength() == 13)
			// extract the next digit and add it to the sum
			for (int cnt = 0; cnt < myDigit.getLength() - 1; cnt++)
				int temp = myDigit.nextDigit();

				if ((cnt + 1) % 2 == 0)
					sum += temp * 3;
					System.out.println(temp * 3);
					sum += temp;

			System.out.println("sum: " + sum);
			// get the remainder of sum/10
			rem = sum % 10;
			System.out.println("rem: " + rem);

			// subtract remainder from 10 to get checkSum
			checkSum = 10 - rem;

			System.out.println("checksum: " + checkSum);
			System.out.println("Invalid ISBN");

		// check the sum to see if it is valid
		if (checkSum < 10 && (myDigit.getISBN().charAt(myDigit.getLength() - 1) == (checkSum + 48)))
			System.out.println("Valid ISBN - num");
		else if (checkSum >= 10 && (myDigit.getISBN().charAt(myDigit.getLength() - 1) == 'X'))
			System.out.println("Valid ISBN - X");
			System.out.println("Invalid ISBN");

I also have a query about ISBN. Some books have one ISBN, SOME have two. Is it appropriate to use ISBN AS a primary key for a book table ( as I have seen it in one book).
What is ISBN. What can be the appropriate primary key for book & other products like laptops.

I also have a query about ISBN. Some books have one ISBN, SOME have two. Is it appropriate to use ISBN AS a primary key for a book table ( as I have seen it in one book).
What is ISBN. What can be the appropriate primary key for book & other products like laptops.

Please post such questions as a new thread so the original question is not derailed.

What you have here is proof that not everyone is going to play nice with "standards". Apparently Prentice Hall either miscalculated the ISBN for the book or simply don't care.

btw, your code is unnecessarilly long and convoluted.
The entire calculation can be handled in just a few lines of code (for ISBN10, similar code can be created for ISBN13):

public class Eleven {
	private static boolean elevenProof(String number) {
		if (number.length() != 10) {
			return false;
		int total = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			char c = number.charAt(i);
			int digit = Character.digit(c, 10);
			total += (10 - i) * digit;
		int checksum = Character.digit(number.charAt(9), 10);
		int modulo = total % 11;
		return modulo == 11 - checksum;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String isbn = args[0];
		System.out.println(isbn + " is " + (elevenProof(isbn) ? "valid" : "invalid"));
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