I am looking to make a small program for a friend who likes to play roulette. I am looking to make a program that reads from a file which contains numbers (the numbers that come out in roulette) and then counts the amount of numbers that fall in certain groups.

For example, I am going to have 3 groups of numbers...(1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34) and (2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35) and (3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36)

Now let's say my file contains the following numbers:

Then I want to read through that file and print out how many of those numbers fall in which of the three groups above. So based off of this example, there would be 6 numbers in that first group of numbers above (1,5,4,2,8,1)....there would be 6 numbers in that second group above (22,24,21,19,24,23)....and there would be 3 numbers in that third group above (35,34,36).....

So I want the program to print out:
There are 6 numbers in the first group
There are 6 numbers in the second group
There are 3 numbers in the third group

Can anybody help me?? I know this is easy, but I am just getting my feet wet. By the way, this is not a homework assignment. It is simply for fun. We are going to the casino tomorrow night so I want to use this program to count up which numbers come out and keep some stats.

Why do you want to read it from file, cannot you get use rand() to get a random number ?

Hi, I want to be able to enter in the actual numbers that come out on the table. We are going to actually write them down so we can see actual stats.

basically i am looking for something along the lines of
if(n == 1|4|7|10|13.....etc)
then do work

Have you come across the STL yet?

sorry but i dont know the game...
so can i have a little bit of information??
are the three groups fixed and already made??

if so what you can do is first read a integer from the file while(!end of file)
and then compare

let the read integer be n


else if(n==2|5|8|..etc)


where group1, group2, group3 are already initialised to 0...

hope this helps...

The game is played like this: There is a table with a bunch of numbers on it. They are divided into three groups of numbers. There is also a wheel that spins which has every number on it. A ball is dropped into the spinning wheel and then what ever number it falls into, is the number that I want to keep track of. We want to keep track of about 50 spins, so we will get 50 numbers. Then we just want to be able to enter the 50 numbers into a file, save the file, and run the program.

so you want to enter the numbers for a particular group too for each run..??

to save the 50 numbers in the file you can simple use the following code...

int n;
   ofstream file1("EXAMPLE.dat", ios::binary|ios::app);
   cout<<"\n\n\t\tADDING RECORDS";

   for ( int i = 0; i < 50;  ++i)
      cout<<"Enter "<<i+1<<" number";

n to compare you can use


else if(n==2|5|8|..etc)


i hope this helps

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