Hi, i merged two files into chem.out but i need to figure out how I would arrange them by atomic number and how i can eliminate the duplicates. Should I use structures?

here is the program i wrote so far,


void merge_chem(FILE * inp1, FILE* inp2, FILE* outp);

int main(void)
  FILE *inp1, *inp2, *outp;
  inp1 = fopen("chem1.txt", "r");
  inp2 = fopen("chem2.txt", "r");
  outp = fopen("chem.out", "w");


        return 0;

void merge_chem(FILE * inp1, FILE* inp2, FILE* outp)
  int atomic_num[40], atomic_num2[40], i = 0, j = 0, m =0, status, status2;
  int k =0;
  double weight[40], weight2[40];
  char name[40][40], symbol[40][40], name2[40][40], symbol2[40][40];
   while(status != EOF)
    status = fscanf(inp1, "%d%s%s%lf", &atomic_num[i], name[i], symbol[i], &weight[i]);

   i = i-1;
   while(status2 != EOF)
    status2 = fscanf(inp2, "%d%s%s%lf", &atomic_num2[m], name2[m], symbol2[m], &weight2[m]);
   m  = m-1;

   for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
       fprintf(outp,"%d  %s  %s  %.2f\n", atomic_num2[k], name2[k], symbol2[k], weight2[k]);    
   for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
       fprintf(outp,"%d  %s  %s  %.2f\n", atomic_num[j], name[j], symbol[j], weight[j]);    

1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
50 Tin Sn 118.69
84 Polonium Po 209
88 Radium Ra 226.03

1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
11 Sodium Na 22.99
20 Calcium Ca 40.08
84 Polonium Po 209.00

this is what the output should look like
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
1 Hydrogen H 1.01
11 Sodium Na 22.99
20 Calcium Ca 40.08
50 Tin Sn 118.69
84 Polonium Po 209.00
88 Radium Ra 226.03


> Should I use structures?
Yes, it's certainly a lot more convenient than using lots of arrays.

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