I've written programs for averaging lists of exam grades but throwing in the percent is throwing me for a loop. I don't know how to handle this information. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
//Write a program that asks the user to enter a student's midterm
//and final exam scores. The program should display the midterm and
//final exam scores and the student's final grade. Compute the final
//grade by taking the sum of 40% of the midterm exam score and 60% of
//the final exam score.
#include <iostream.h>
//using namespace std;
int main()
int. midterm,midterm;
double 40% mid;
60% final;
cout<< set precision()
//obtain input data
cout<<"\nEnter midterm";
cin>>midterm exam;
cout<<"\nEnter final";
cin>>;final exam;
//Do the calculations
final grade = double (midterm + final);
return 0;