I want to add a function for user to change file. I am not really sure on how. I have already created a function in the end but its not getting me anywhere.
This is my code:

import string
import re
filename = "phil.txt"
def countLines():

    Read number of lines in the text file.

    numOflines = 0

    with open(filename) as file:
        for line in file:
            if line != "\n":
                numOflines += 1
    print("Total number of lines is: ", numOflines, "\n")
    return numOflines

def countWords():
    count number of words in the text file.
    numOfwords = []
    count = 0
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        content = file.read()
        con1 = content.replace("-", " ")
        newContent = con1.lower()
        words = newContent.strip(",")
        wordz = words.split()

        for word in wordz:
            if word not in numOfwords:
                numOfwords += word
                count += 1
    print("Total number of words is: ", count)
    return numOfwords

def countCharacters():
    count number of characters in the textfile.
    numOfwords = 0
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        content = file.read()
        newContent = content.replace(".", "")
        con1 = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", newContent)
        con2 = ''.join(con1.split())

        for line in con2:
            if line == " ":
                numOfwords += 1

    print("Total number of characters are: ", numOfwords)

def word_frequency():
    fhand = open('phil.txt')
    counts = dict()
    for line in fhand:
        line = line.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
        line = line.lower()
        words = line.split()
        for word in words:
            if word not in counts:
                counts[word] = 1
                counts[word] += 1
    lst = list()
    for key, val in list(counts.items()):
        lst.append((val, key))
    total = sum(counts.values())
    for key, val in lst[:7]:
        sign = "%"
        sign2 = "|"
        roundOff = round(float(key) / float(total) * 100, 1)
        print('"{}": {}'.format(val, key), sign2 + str(roundOff) + sign)

def check_letter_frequency():
    fhand = open('phil.txt')
    letter_frequency_dict = dict()
    for wordz in fhand:
        wordz = wordz.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation))
        wordz = wordz.lower()
        words = wordz.strip(",")
        words = wordz.replace(" ", "")

        for letter in words:
            if letter in letter_frequency_dict:
                letter_frequency_dict[letter] += 1
                letter_frequency_dict[letter] = 1

    sorted_letter_frequency = [(key, letter_frequency_dict[key]) for key in sorted(letter_frequency_dict, key=letter_frequency_dict.get, reverse=True)]
    print("letter frequency of:")
    letters = []
    from string import ascii_lowercase
    total = sum(letter_frequency_dict.values())
    for key, value in sorted_letter_frequency[:7]:
        roundOff = round(float(value) / float(total) * 100, 1)
        sign = "%"
        sign2 = "|"
        print('"{}" : {}'.format(key, value), sign2 + str(roundOff) + sign)

def DoItAll():

def changeFile(file):
    new = input("Input name of file")
    with open(file) as newfile:
        newFile = newfile.read()

return file

You might start by adding some code to call your functions. What change do you want to make?

commented: I want to make a new function and the functions job should be to change file. +0
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