Howdy! I am in a beginners Python class and our current assignment is creating a Tic-Tac-Toe board that can determine a WIN state and that can have a "random play" in which the computer actively tries to beat you. However, I'm unsure of how to do this, as I haven't found much on EZ graphics and Python and it is my first time using these. Do I make functions for those? If so, I'm also unsure of placement, as I have found that order matters.
This is what I have so far:
from ezgraphics import GraphicsWindow
win = GraphicsWindow()
row = [None, None, None]
row[0] = [0, 1, 2]
row[1] = [3, 4, 5]
row[2] = [6, 7, 8]
class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self, lengthWidth):
self.size = lengthWidth = GraphicsWindow(self.size, self.size)
self.canvas = = [ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None ]
def winTTT(self):
for i in range(3):
if (type([row[i][0]]) == type([row[i][1]]) ==
type([row[i][2]])) and ([row[i][0]] != None):
return True
return False
def draw(self):
self.canvas.clear() = [ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None ]
linebegin = (0, self.size/3)
lineend = (self.size, self.size/3)
self.canvas.drawLine(linebegin[0], linebegin[1], lineend[0], lineend[1])
linebegin = (0, self.size*2/3)
lineend = (self.size, self.size*2/3)
self.canvas.drawLine(linebegin[0], linebegin[1], lineend[0], lineend[1])
linebegin = (self.size/3, 0)
lineend = (self.size/3, self.size, )
self.canvas.drawLine(linebegin[0], linebegin[1], lineend[0], lineend[1])
linebegin = (self.size*2/3, 0)
lineend = (self.size*2/3, self.size, )
self.canvas.drawLine(linebegin[0], linebegin[1], lineend[0], lineend[1])
class TTTCrossX:
def __init__(self, board, nthBox):
if nthBox == 0:
self.x1 = board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 1:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 2:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3
self.y1 = board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 3:
self.x1 = board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 4:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 5:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 6:
self.x1 = board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 7:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
if nthBox == 8:
self.x1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.y1 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12
self.x2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
self.y2 = board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/6 + board.size/12
board.canvas.drawLine(self.x1,self.y1, self.x2, self.y2)
board.canvas.drawLine(self.x2,self.y1, self.x1, self.y2)
class TTTCircle:
def __init__(self, board, nthBox):
self.radius = board.size/6
if nthBox == 0: = (board.size/12, board.size/12)
if nthBox == 1: = (board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/12)
if nthBox == 2: = (board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/12)
if nthBox == 3: = (board.size/12, board.size/3 + board.size/12 )
if nthBox == 4: = (board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/3 = board.size/12)
if nthBox == 5: = (board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/3 + board.size/12)
if nthBox == 6: = (board.size/12, board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12 )
if nthBox == 7: = (board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/3 + board.size/3 +
board.size/12 )
if nthBox == 8: = (board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12, board.size/3 + board.size/3 + board.size/12 )
board.canvas.drawOval([0],[1], self.radius, self.radius)
newBoard = TicTacToeBoard(600)
w3 = newBoard.size/3
def whichBox(x, y):
for n in range(9):
if (x > (n%3)*w3) and ( x < ((n%3)+1)*w3 ) and (y > int(n/3)*w3) and (y <
(int(n/3)+1)*w3) :
return n
i = 0
while i<9:
pt =
print(pt, whichBox(pt[0], pt[1]))
nBox = whichBox(pt[0], pt[1])
if[nBox] is None:
if (i % 2 == 0):[nBox] = TTTCircle(newBoard, nBox)
else:[nBox] = TTTCrossX(newBoard, nBox)
i += 1
if (newBoard.winTTT()):
pt =
print (i)