Reverend Jim commented: It's not polite to shout. Please do not post in ALL CAPS. -3

This question or need appears well done. As in there are priors to read such as

It's your choice how to create such a system but it continues to be pretty much like what you find in prior discussions on high score systems.

Unless I totally misread what you needed and you wanted others to write the code for you.

and yes i need someone to make the code
accoring to my game notes you have to show your efforts. I see no code there as if you begin to implement any high score system.

This means you are shopping this work as a "for hire" task. Here it's all about you learning about possible solutions as well as you writing the code. If you are stuck with say, how do I declare a variable then you ask that and the response could be a terse tutorial or references to tutorials. Again, if you are asking for others to write your app, then be sure to lay out pay, time to when it needs to get done, deliverables and all the missing details.

i have tried to do if you scroll down through my project close to the end

Since you didn't post the code in the forum I gave it a cursory look and missed your effort as it's over 100 lines of code. That does not matter as you wrote "i need someone to make the code".

Why do you think what you have has failed?
Was there an assignment where this feature was detailed out? Such as must it save locally or to say some social media high score web page?

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