
Can anybody tell me why in the following peace of code the link does
not get hidden when "locationid" is empty? thanks, torsten

<%if IsNull(cursor("locationid")) = false then %><A
onMouseOver="window.status = 'Link To Location Map'; return true;"
onMouseOut="window.status = ''; return true;"><IMG
SRC="../images/pubs/gpg_getmap_button.gif" WIDTH=58 HEIGHT=38 HSPACE=0
VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 ALT="Get Map"></A><% end if%>

there s synax error .....verify

<c:if test="${not empty urldata}"><a href="<c:out value='${urldata}'/>"><c:out value="${urldescription}"/></a></c:if>

Now isn't that a simple and clean bit of code?
Learn to use JSTL and ditch those scriptlets. They're 7 year old technology and no longer recommend.
In fact on any new project I ban the use of scriptlets, dictate JSTL is used exclusively.
Any JSP containing scriptlets gets thrown back to the programmer for rework.

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