Hello Friends,

How to create Blogs in PHP

can u please tell the websites and helping code for blogs

Thanks in Advance

Rakesh Nagekar

First you have to gain clear idea about blogs...
Means what are the categories they are using,
any sub categories are there,
and what is going on when they post blog,
Know can we place 2 or more blogs,
Know how one blog is different from another blog.
Browse different kind of blog sites..
First confirm your datasbase whether its having how many tables to make our blog site good..
Then start working at admin side and front end side parlelly...
Any queries at your developing ,
we are here for u to help..
All the best..

Thanks Madam,
Chala santhosam
we r lucky that we have friends like u


Rakesh Nagekar

K sir..
Try to increase your speed while coding...
its my heartfull suggestion for u..


Well, I know this is basically solved. But, I have created a blog. It is pretty cool. Idk if you'd be interested but I can send all of the source files so you can have a good idea of how to do it if you havent got it successfully yet.

Hello Dude,
Thanks for Reply,
And iam very glad to u ,if u send me the code
can u please send me the code.

Thank u
Rakesh Nagekar

Hi Rakesh Nageskar

Good Day!
We have also an assignment about blogs,
Can you also send to me the referrence source of an example blogs that was send to you?



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