Is it possible in any way to modify the wordpress permalink structures so that you can create a page using a script to find the page?


You want to make a page on or whatever... You don't want to use wordpress's the_post function to display the data. Instead, you have a table that you want to get data from, like a second posts table. How would you do this?

(the reason this being, I want users to be able to submit a post and I click an "accept" button after they submit the post. I don't want to go through the process of creating each field. It's preferable to have a dependent structure, i.e. using filters on the post and using its existing permalink but would be preferred to have its own sort of "set_permalink_of_page" function...)

Hi..WordPress can manage several types of content for you, including Posts, Pages and Links.Once your site is up and running you just have to keep it going. Update your news or blog frequently, change out features or highlights and keep your static content up to date.Updates are a breeze, thanks to WordPress, which means you can spend more time on your content and less time pretending to be a techie..Thank you

Thanks. In the meantime, I've figured it out. (WP_Rewrite class)

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