I need to create a grid view in asp.net which should have the database connectivity nor sqldatasource. hence i should use the dataset,datatable,datarow and some how i tried and create the dataset and displayed in grid view.
i wrote this code in page load event:
dataset ds = new dataset();
datatable dt = new datatable();
datacolumn dc = dt.columns.add("Emp",typeof(string));
datarow dr;
dataview dv = new dataview(dt);
and i used a buttin and textbox to add info to that column
this code add the values to column but it doesnot increment the row. the values are just pasted above that same row.
so could any one help me sooon..
i need some code or send me some link where i can learn easily about this.
need to implement this today(8-7-2010) before 2'o clock so make it fast guys :icon_question: