javascript-how add 12 hrs to 2011-5-11 03:33:43 PM

javascript-how add 12 hrs to 2011-5-11 03:33:43 PM

My date format is (yyyy-mm-dd H:I:S,)(12 hours format)
I want to add 12 hours ,24 hours,36 hours,48 hours,60 hours date.
I don't want to show it in UTC format.
please help.

<script lang='javascript'>
function addhours()
   var dt=document.getElementById('mydate').value.substr(0,10);
   var tme=document.getElementById('mydate').value.substr(11,8);

	arrdt= dt.split("-");
	newdt=new Date(arrdt[0],arrdt[1]-1,arrdt[2],arrtme[0],arrtme[1],arrtme[2]);

<form id=frm name=frm>
Date: <input type=text name=mydate id=mydate value='2011-05-11 15:33:42'><br>
Add Hours: <input type=text name=myhours id=myhours value=12><br>
<input type=button onclick="addhours()">
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