
I have javascript which counts seperately every time 2 seperate buttons are clicked, this then outputs the amount on the same page. This works, however I am now trying to add a third value to output on the page which is the total of the clicks which i would calculate by adding the 2 attributes together. This just doesn't seem to be working though.


<script type="text/javascript">
var NextClick = 0;
var PrevClick = 0;
var TotalClicks = 0;

function getValueNext()
  var y=document.getElementById("NextClick").value = ++NextClick

function getValuePrev()
  var x=document.getElementById("PrevClick").value = ++PrevClick

function getSumClicks()
  var z= x + y



Clicked next <input class="NextClick" size="3" onfocus="this.blur();" value="0"> times.
  Clicked prev <input class="PrevClick" size="3" onfocus="this.blur();" value="0"> times.
  Clicked total <input class="TotalClicks" size="3" onfocus="this.blur();" value="0"> times.

What were you expecting from these two lines?

var y=document.getElementById("NextClick").value = ++NextClick

There aren't any element with an ID NextClick
$('.NextClick').val(y) is correct

I believe what you were expecting is increasing the NextClick value by 1 and show it on the text field

function getValueNext()

Do the same changes to the other method too

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