Please help me on how i can enable or disable the buttons of the internet explorer window, or with any browser using javascript. Thanks.

You cannot. The buttons (I take it you mean the browser buttons on the toolbar?) cannot be disabled via JavaScript.

Thanks for you quick response, Just one more question, is there any way I can disable or enable Internet explorer tool bar buttons.

That's the same question, isn't it? YOU, as a user, control the appearance, to some extent, or your personal browser. That's as it should be. So, yes, you can turn off the various toolbar options using the "View" menu.

However, you, as a developer, cannot force the browser of the people who visit your page, to turn toolbars on or off, except under certain circumstances, namely, if you open a new window via a script (search for "" on the web). In that case, you can control whether or not the toolbar, resize widgets, and scrollbars appear on the new window.

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