
I am trying to make my search results table sortable. The content is obviously dynamic, so how would I do this? Tablesorter.js does not work… I am using CodeIgniter...

Any help would be fantastic!


AM not familiar with CI, but why would tablesorter not work, it a client side script?

Just one question do you use codeigniter asset helper or your jquery works in your codeigniter view?

Pritaeas: I am not surew why it's not working. Your guess is as good as mine.

dany12: jquery works in CI view

I am not surew why it's not working. Your guess is as good as mine.

What is not working? Do you have a link somewhere where we can see?

Hey guys,

I have solved the mystery... It was an error on my side. I was rushing to get it working, (on a Friday afternoon), and called my js before I had even included the libraries!!! Der...

Thanks for all the help, and ideas!

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