Anyway, i'm working on a PHP module for a CMS where if in the database a website user is either selected as, "GBP" or "EUR" in their Countries' currency field, a set of text is displayed. And if the users' currency is either, "USD" or "JPY", a different set of text is displayed.
I've got a query, selecting the currency column against the users' ID no. Made a variable of that and have two if statements running the text as below:
// query
mysql_select_db($database, $dbconnect);
$query_getusercurrency = "SELECT my_currency FROM ".$sitename."_users WHERE id = '$wsuserid'";
$getusercurrency = mysql_query($query_getusercurrency, $dbconnect) or die(mysql_error($dbconnect));
$row_getusercurrency = mysql_fetch_assoc($getusercurrency);
$totalRows_getusercurrency = mysql_num_rows($getusercurrency);$variable = $row_getusercurrency;
if ($variable == "GBP" || "EUR"){
$display = "my text here";
}if ($variable == "USD" || "JPY") {
$display = "my text here";
<p><?php echo $display; ?></p>
when it's processed on the web it only displays the first option no matter what the users currency has been set to, I tried an "if.. else" statement but then that activates the second option no matter the user.
So can anyone help me out on where i'm going wrong?