42 Topics

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Member Avatar for berserk

Hello All, i have run into an issue with my little project that i cannot seem to find much on and im at a lose for resources to check through. I am trying to get and use data that is being pulled from a json echo to my other php …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for Christina_5

I'm planning to create a web project, I'm wondering Angular 2 is stable or not. Or Should I work with Angular 1 now ? I scare that Angular 2 is not released now, it means that maybe it has a lot of issues. I really don't want to go so …

Member Avatar for Jumonji
Member Avatar for BenWard

Hi Guys, I've been playing around with Angular and Ionic tutorials and I'm attempting to put together things I've learnt from different tutorials to build a simple NPR audio player. I have a really really anoying issue with ng-show/ng-hide... Basically, in the bottom left hand corner of my application I …

Member Avatar for BenWard
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I know current page can be reload from the directive too. But, I am newbie, don't know how it can be done. Below is my directive, from where I want to reload page e.g. http://myproject/die/ap/assess.php#/reading/827/3/2378/2 .directive('popupdirective', function($log, $compile, $controller, $http, $templateCache, $rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', scope:{popView:"@",getdata:"="}, link:function(scope,element,attr,pCtlr){ angular.element(".pop-window-close span.fa.fa-times").click(function(){ …

Member Avatar for pro-tek
Member Avatar for nevek

Hi, I am trying to load a page which has a ng-table in a page with jquery my function to load the subpage in the main page is like this: function loadSubPage(id){ var random = Math.random()*1000000; $("#aanvullingGegevens").load("gui/aanvragen/gekende_patient.php?patientID="+id+"&random="+random); } and this is my sub-page <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angular/angular.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angular/ng-table.js" …

Member Avatar for nevek
Member Avatar for Khoo

Currently I'm using xampp, and creating chat-app with AngularJS and integrated with Laravel framework. My AngularJS front-ends is actually placed in Laravel's views folder. And the back-ends stuff (Angular's controller, services) placed in public/app folder. I try to integrate chat-app template (front-end) into my video template. So it's actually a …

Member Avatar for gcardonav

I cleaned up my code but now when I run it I am getting an error. I am not sure where it is coming from since it was working before I added the nested view and did not change the controller. Here is my [plunkr](http://plnkr.co/edit/vN06ZQYWW0cpO4izBtgT?p=info). Let me know if there …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for gcardonav

I run the [code](http://embed.plnkr.co/C76bGd5ao07oSP4vvPj0/preview) but the template ir not doing anything at all. Is there a problem with my syntax?

Member Avatar for glennferrie
Member Avatar for gcardonav

I want to create an option that will reset my page once the user clicks on an alert the controller will reset to original form. I have the alert all set up but I am not sure how to do this. In JavaScript I created a function that did this …

Member Avatar for efe.ozyer

$scope.works = [ { wproperties:'<span>text #1</span><span>text #2</span><span>text #2</span><span>text #3</span>' } ] <span ng-bind-html="work.wproperties"></span> span is printing as null, who can help me? controllers and ng-app working so ng-bind-html not working..

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for kindo

Hello Pals... Help with this code...I am unable to hold Angularjs tag with Php variables $vid = "{{task.vid}}"; //this where the Errors comes in :( $s = $db->query("SELECT * FROM reply WHERE post_id_fk = '$vid'") or die($db->error.__LINE__); Please how can i go about this? Thank you!

Member Avatar for kindo

The End.