1,521 Topics
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Want a sneaky peek at Ubuntu 8.04? Then you are in luck as the [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha1"]Hardy Heron Tribe 1 Alpha[/URL] pre-release has just been made [URL="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-1/"]available for download[/URL]. This will, in time, morph into 8.04 and is the first in a series of milestone CD images that is slated for distribution … | |
[URL="http://www.tincantools.com"]Tin Can Tools[/URL] has announced a new fully functional embedded Linux platform in the shape of a 40-pin DIP package. The Hammer board, based upon the Samsung S3C2410 ARM920T processor, is designed from the ground up to be very modular and easy to interface. Tin Can Tools suggests it is … | |
Every now and then [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk"]The Register[/URL] publishes a really funny news piece, and the one entitled 'Confused BBC tech chief' is a perfect example. According to the report, in an interview with UK based web design magazine [URL="http://www.netmag.co.uk/"].net[/URL], the Director of Future Media and Technology at the BBC, one Ashley … | |
According to the latest [URL="http://www.idctracker.org"]IDC Quarterly Server Tracker report[/URL] the growth of Linux as far as the US x86 server market is concerned has started to slow. In fact, it is has done more than just slow, when compared to Windows-based server growth it has slipped backwards. In 2005 Windows … | |
If the Asian networking out of the box specialists [URL="http://www.norhtec.com/"]NorhTec[/URL] are to be believed the answer is very low indeed: how does $85 (£41) sound? Remarkably that is how much the new NorhTec MicroClient JrSX is set to cost, making it what must be the lowest priced Linux powered thin … | |
For anyone outside the UK, news about the [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/"]BBC iPlayer[/URL] is hardly going to be earth shattering I agree. Indeed, for most people inside the UK and who are not part of the Beta trial there is no access to the [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk"]BBC TV[/URL] content via streaming video across an IP … | |
[URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] has opened a dedicated online resource for its partners around the globe, giving them access to the product, program, pricing and training information on both Red Hat and JBoss solutions and services from one single location which is localized in the Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean … | |
Some devices set the world on fire, just ask Apple for details. Others, do not. The UMPC seems to be falling into the luke warm gadget category at the moment, and despite the best efforts of the usual suspects sales of the Ultra Mobile PC remain disappointing. Maybe because nobody … | |
[URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL] has announced that it is joining the [URL="http://www.openoffice.org/"]OpenOffice.org[/URL] development community, with an initial involvement concerning code contributions it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product. The code includes accessibility enhancements, and IBM is expected to make ongoing contributions to the feature richness and code quality of … | |
Simon Willcocks is a man on a mission, albeit an unusual one that no doubt many developers will recognise as being something of a geek driven dream. The mission in question to deliver native RISC OS desktop applications under Linux. This dream is fast becoming a reality, however, with the … | |
A new forensic computer from a UK based company promises to make the task of gathering evidence at the scene of a crime much easier. The dual booting Windows XP and Suse Linux [URL="http://www.dataduplication.co.uk/details/trecorder.html"]TreCorder portable forensic lab [/URL] is built into a rugged portable chassis and can simultaneously copy up … | |
According to a report at [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/09/07/dell_linux_ubuntu_red_hat_but_where/"]The Register[/URL] it would appear that Dell is making life difficult for UK customers who want to buy a Dell PC running Linux. Being a snooping journalist myself, I went to have a look for myself and indeed it is a lot harder to buy … | |
So it's been a while. In case you weren't already aware, MMORPG software systems are complicated. Very, very complicated. I mean, you're creating a whole world as a software system! So it's taking a while. We have made progress, however. My brother and I recently created a networked system to … | |
The latest version, V4.0 RC3, of [URL="http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/"]Damn Small Linux[/URL] was released today and it is really very small indeed. Described as a 50Mb mini-desktop oriented Linux OS, DSL is actually small enough to fit and boot from a business card CD as a live Linux distribution. Originally developed as something … | |
According to a [URL="http://www.computerworld.com.sg/ShowPage.aspx?pagetype=2&articleid=6269&pubid=3&tab=Home&issueid=117"]Computerworld Singapore report[/URL] quoting newly published research, 2012 will be the year of the Linux mobile phone, with some 31 percent of all smart phones, or 331 million devices, running Linux. The prediction is based largely upon the fact that Linux has a much faster growth rate … | |
IBM has announced what it is calling the [URL="http://www.ibm.com/linux"]Big Green Linux[/URL] initiative in order to spark further interest in getting Linux firmly integrated into the enterprise, this time by going on the cost reduction and energy consumption attack. This follows up from the Project Big Green commitment announced by IBM … | |
The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project has finally moved from being vapourware and over-hyped smoke and mirrors hardware prototyping to being on the verge of a proper production line at long last. It has only taken five years for the Negreponte/MIT low-cost laptop to move from global computing for … | |
Bj looks a lot like an evil AIBO, with its black finish and blue glowing eyes. So what, you might say, who cares about yet another robot dog? The concept simply never caught on as far as the consumer was concerned, which is probably why the usually retail smart Sony … | |
Hot on the heels of JavaFX, taking on the likes of Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash, Sun looks set to formally unveil its plans for Project Indiana this week and attack the Linux developer heartlands. Solaris has long been known as the really secure Unix variant that sucks when it … | |
[CODE]Addressing some of the typical arguments we hear from the "Microsoft fanboy" crowd.[/CODE] One can debate until you turn blue in the face. It never fails that *some* concepts and facts just fly right over the heads of *some* people. But when the person doing the arguing is supposedly well-educated … | |
IBM has just announced the arrival of [URL="http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/deepcomputing/bluegene.html"]Blue Gene/P[/URL], the newest and fastest supercomputer around. How fast? Well Blue Gene/P just about triples the performance of Blue Gene/L, which currently holds the official title of the world’s fastest computer. The IBM System Blue Gene/P Solution is designed to operate continuously … | |
A member of Skype staff posting in the Linux support forum there seems to have taken a course in customer relations from <insert your least favourite company here> if his responses to criticism of the lack of real world development of the Linux version of Skype, compared to Windows development, … | |
The PlayStation 3 is, without doubt, a multi-talented piece of kit: state of the art games console, Blu-Ray player, media centre and more. Much more, in fact, because from the 1st June you will be able to add Linux Enterprise Server to the functionality list. That is the date from … | |
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has said that the open source movement needs to “play by the same rules” as the rest of the business and claims “what’s fair is fair.” Which is pretty rich given the high profile cases involving dodgy business practice and Microsoft during the last few years. … | |
A [URL="http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/11/1220219&from=rss"]posting[/URL] on Slashdot today speaks of an [URL="http://www.eweek.com/article2/0%2C1895%2C2125848%2C00.asp"]interview[/URL] with Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth which occurred last week. In it, he states that Dell computers preloaded with Ubuntu will not include WINE, an open-source Windows emulator for the Linux platform. Mr. Shuttleworth stated that he does not want Ubuntu to … | |
[FONT="]It seems that everyone and their uncle are doing a Linux deal at the moment, and the latest to hop into the same commercial bed are IBM and Red Hat. Today the companies have announced an initiative to encourage the dramatic growth of Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM System … | |
This week, developers for the Ubuntu operating system are meeting in Seville, Spain to begin work on a new version of the distribution, Mobile Ubuntu. Designed to work with Intel's recently-announced low-power processor and chipset architecture, Ubuntu plans to allow developers creating mobile software the ability to create software utilizing … | |
As DaniWeb [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1319.html"]reported[/URL] back in February, the trouble with asking what your customers want is that they have a habit of letting you know in no uncertain terms. When Dell did that at their IdeaStorm site, the masses yelled ‘what we want is Linux pre-installed’ and the Michael Dell yelled … | |
As Red Hat's modifications to the Linux kernel to improve real-time scheduling near completion, their director of emerging technologies, Tim Burke, has been pushing for its use in the business world. At a recent Wall Street conference, Burke made his case for real-time Linux's abilities to fulfill investors' needs for … | |
IBM has today announced the availability of an [URL="http://ibm.com/systems/p/Linux/systempave.html"]open beta version[/URL] of its virtual Linux environment to enable x86 Linux applications to run without modification on POWER processor-based IBM System p servers. Designed to reduce power, cooling and space by consolidating x86 Linux workloads on System p servers, it will … |
The End.