1,521 Topics

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Member Avatar for landonmkelsey

just upgraded to Fedora 10 and no problem with apache . Version: LMKIII (root) /etc/httpd/logs [1013]>rpm -qa |grep -i apache ant-apache-regexp-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 ant-apache-resolver-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 ant-apache-log4j-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 ant-apache-bcel-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 ant-apache-oro-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 ant-apache-bsf-1.7.1-9.2.fc11.i586 LMKIII (root) /etc/httpd/logs [1014]> then I upgraded tp Fedora 11 and I get an error in /etc/httpd/logs/error_log Function not implemented: apr_socket_accept: I cannot even …

Member Avatar for slacke

I need to enable ftp access on some web directories in apache. What is the best way to do this? My apache server is running on linux. It runs as user wwwrun and group www. What should be the permissions and who should be the owner of the web directories …

Member Avatar for slacke
Member Avatar for slacke

The time is right now - I'm going to move my server from SUSE Enterprise to Slackware. It is not about that I don't like SUSE, I just like Slackware more. The main job will be the mail server - I did use postfix and cyrus imap in SUSE with …

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Member Avatar for ajithraj
Member Avatar for azharalibuttar

Here in this post, I am going to share the installation and configuration of multiple instances of Apache Tomcat 6 on Debian 5.0 Lenny. If you have followed the instructions given in the above post, Installation and configuration of Apache Tomcat’s multiple instances is just a piece of cake. To …

Member Avatar for whitestream6

I got my httpd.conf and virtual hosts working properly, no problems there! :) Using mod_rewrite is the big problem. I've created the page [url]http://mycarwebsite1.com/page2.php[/url] but want to rewrite it without the extension on the end. Also, what does this do (from my example): [QUOTE] RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^12.php$ 13.php [/QUOTE] …

Member Avatar for SteelSlasher

Before i start i am not completely sure if this is the right place for this thread but since it requires knowledge about servers i figured it was. I am making a http 1.1 client and right now i have been able to completely support http1.0. The problem i have …

Member Avatar for shido641

Hi everyone, I recently got a project to do for a company. This project will determine whether or not i will get a job so i don't want to mess this up. I know what to do and what to install. I know Linux and its commands im not really …

Member Avatar for phpfreek2007

Hi All, For the last 6 months our site has been under severe brute force, syn flood attack. They keep bombarding a single URL of the server and it is xml file. They are not attacking any other URL. e.g. http://www.example.com/rss123/attackedfilename.xml We have removed the xml page from our site …

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Member Avatar for =OTS=G-Man

Hello, I'm having an issue getting my redirect working and I think its just because Ive been looking at it too long. Ok here it goes, I have 2 redirects going on because of the amount of domain names and old links coming to the different sites. First heres the …

Member Avatar for achanga

can some one help me, i have used redhat enterprise server 4.0 for 3 months now i want to set up an oracle server what do i need to install such that he server can be accessed by every one in my network? Thank you,.

Member Avatar for RJCO
Member Avatar for pelumy

I am desperately in need of a any tool that can demonstrate holes of firewall in Linux servcers and ways to protect this holes. This is actually a project for me since I am a student.

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for php_noob

Guys, I need Help in making PHP APACHE and MS SQL SERVER 2000 to run. I search a lot but still can not get the logic behind it. All that I understand is that I need to configure something in the PHP INI. Is it possible in XAMPP? or I …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi I have installed Joomla and a plugin called sh404SEF. The plugin is to make sef url. My site was not using .htaccess file so my url was : [QUOTE][url]http://www.loyalindia.com/index.php?/Some-Section/newssection?itemid=125&mid=125[/url][/QUOTE] Now I have enabled .htaccess supprt and now my urls are like this : [QUOTE][url]http://www.loyalindia.com/Some-Section/newssection?itemid=125&mid=125[/url] [/QUOTE] As you see the …

Member Avatar for b89smith
Member Avatar for darklrd

hello everyone! i was re-compiling the whole apache source code (version-2.0.54) and rebuilding on solaris. And i have messed it up. I have a backup of my apache server root directory. If i replace it with my current installation directory will it restore apache back to its previous state?

Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Sorry i have'nt got a clue what i am doing i just bought a webserver and and can't get it to work. I have a dynamic dns set up with my static ip address. In the nat on my roter i have set up name1 as port 80 with my …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for sum_chat

Hi all, I want to run a dot net web application developed in C# (2003 ) in Apache. I have installed Apache and also loaded the module mod_aspdotnet.so. But my problem is the ASP text box controls are not being displayed although the scripts within the <% %> tags …

Member Avatar for Wolfy834

I've been looking over the same .htaccess codes that will not work for a subdomain. It seems not many people really know how to do a correct .htaccess (including me I suppose). I've tried: [CODE]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^site\.net$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://site.net/$1 [R=301,L][/CODE] And it requires the WWW on the subdomain, …

Member Avatar for Wolfy834
Member Avatar for turkyildizi

Hello I have 3 computer network and I installed apache on the server and working properly ([url]http://localhost)[/url]. but when I try to reach another computer in the network using [url]http://localhost[/url] or [url][/url] or ip address of server, I receive "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. …

Member Avatar for piapoco
Member Avatar for Syakoban

I've set up a web store with a SSL cert, for checkout when the store scripts invoke https. I believe it was initially working fine before mods like adding an addthis.com link and jQuery scrpting. I know SSL requires scripts to be run as https, but the addthis link is …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for accesorius

Hi, I have a quite loaded webserver, the CPU is very low and memory usage is also low, but sometimes the page doesn't respond... Here's the info on my system: FreeBSD 7.1 amd64 1x Q9550 (quad core) 8Gb RAM top ------ last pid: 13453; load averages: 0.09, 0.08, 0.07 up …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for gingank

I create a php form that lot oif image in it and it can display to my computer but when i upload to the apache it cant show the image already why this will happen?? Can anyone tell me why

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for multicoder

My application uses many such packages which are not inborn sun packages and need to download and configure them for application to import properly. like import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; or like import org.apache.log4j.Logger; etc. and also the java advanced packages like group of javax 's packages, I dont wanna to download the …

Member Avatar for multicoder
Member Avatar for quibbie

I uploaded all my files through Cpanel to my public_html root folder and set my permissions but my page is still not displaying when I type in the URL. I have another domain name and this is an add on domain. I have MySQL version 5.0.77-community with a separate database …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for AlexGrim

I am trying to do a Redirect with SOME Querystring Parameters Maintained. I already know how to do a redirect with ALL parameters maintained, or with NO parameters maintained, but in this particular case, i need only ONE of them dropped. For example, my old links for my old system …

Member Avatar for AlexGrim
Member Avatar for jamello

I have a feeling this question is an age long one. Please forgive me:D I have IIS and Apache on my computer. Apache would refuse to run unless I stop IIS. I had tried changing the default port number of Apache from 80 to 8080 in the httpd.conf file but …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for xav.vijay

Hi I am not sure whether this is the right forum to post, sorry if this the wrong form.... I am trying to create a jboss cluster of 2 nodes. Here is the setup required. 1. NodeA is on server1 on VLAN1 2. NodeB is on server2 on VLAN2. 3. …

Member Avatar for threat

now i'm on a network where the administrator uses squid server to block by keyword, so a whole lot of websites and file extensions are blocked, now using a proxy is a simple solution, but it is a sacrifice on speed. i remember that i read somewhere about creating your …

Member Avatar for jakesee

Hi, Seen many tutorials teaching how to make 404 redirect to an existing page or do a custom 404 page. How can I do the converse i.e. any file access in the root directory will return a 404? for example the following files exist, but I want to display 404 …

Member Avatar for koolhq

Ok I am making a website and I have apache 2, php, mysql. I want users to be able to create a website(i got that part, it is easy) but I want user.example.com to redirect to example.com/user with a .htaccess file


The End.